An Interview with Da Naybah Hoodz
An Interview with Da Naybah Hoodz
Da Naybah Hoodz, Crayz-1 and Tech-9, are a California tag team that have won numerous tag team belts in California in only two and a half years of being together. Currently, they are both the reigning A.I.W.A. and the Cal International tag team champions. Crayz-1 took a momentary respite from the mayhem for an interview. I found out that Crayz-1 is no different outside the ring than he is in it.
How long have you guys been the champs? We've been the A.I.W.A. champs since July 4th, 1996 , and the Cal International Champs since December 15th, 1996.
Who'd you beat and how? For the A.I.W.A. belts, Supreme Kaos. A little powder in the eyes never hurt anyone. Well, maybe it hurt Kid Kaos. For the Cal titles, it was the Dixie Demon and the Ebony Blade. We hit 'em with Da Jackmove.
What is the Jackmove? An off the shoulder bulldog. I hold 'em, Tech jacks 'em!
Now you guys have got a thing with Supreme Kaos, right? Yeah, we're lookin' to get the I.S.W. straps back. Supreme Kaos beat us, make that stole them, in Hollywood.
What other belts have you held? We were two-time Golden State Wrestling Association Tag Champs. That's where the whole Supreme Kaos feud started.
Did you meet Tech as a wrestler? We were homies, first. I trained him.
Do you spend time outside the arena together? Yeah, we hang out inside and outside the ring. We got each others' back.
You guys look a lot like Public Enemy... We used to love P.E., but WCW made them soft. They're just busters, now. 'Nuff said, move on!!! guys follow the rules, right? We do anything to win...the rules of the street are kill or be killed.
Do you have any amateur background? Nah, we just like bustin' heads.
Why'd you get into wrestling? No easier way to make money. Plus, we get to kick some ass without worryin' 'bout gettin' busted.
Why do you keep doing it? Money, gold, to have it all.
Do you get a lot of women? Oh, yeah. With money comes women. Ho's jist keep comin'.
Tell me about your manager... Miss Ebony, she's our home girl. She directs traffic...points us in the right direction, ya' know.
Has she ever gotten physically involved in a match? She will do anything for us to win...she gets paid, too.
Don't you worry about her getting hurt? Nahh, she can take care of herself.
Does losing bother you? Hell, yeah! Losing is not an option!
Do you ever get hassled outside the ring? Just by fans. You don't know what's think that we're not that bad.
What's the worst thing that ever happened? A fan threw a trash can at me, so he got it right back in the head! Don't f@%k with a Hood!!
What's been your worst injury? I've had broken rib cartilage. Tech's had more than his share of neck injuries.
Do you train together 100% of the time? Of course. The belts show that without asking.
Do you ever train against each other? Yeah, we try to find each other's weaknesses. Ain't found none yet.
What's your long term goal? To make it to one of the big three.
If you had your choice, which of the big three would it be? WWF! It has the tell someone you're a wrestler and they ask "In the WWF?" It's world wide! Hands down.
How do you see the sport evolving? You're gonna' see a more rough, hardcore, violent style mixed with good tech wrestling. 'Course, you're already gettin' dat from us!
And where do you see yourselves down the road? In one of the big three, with belts around our waists.
As a tag team or as singles wrestlers? A team for now...but who knows?
Do you ever wish you would have chosen something else? Hell, no! There's nothin' like the roar of the crowd, and the big bright lights. I will never leave this...and if I do, it better be on a stretcher, 'cause we will be here 'til the end.
Any last words? If ya' don't like wrestling, that's O.K. But don't badmouth a business you don't understand!!! Da Naybah Hoodz will tear up '97, just like '96. So, watch out!!!!!!
Editor's Note: If you wish to write to Crayz-1, you can send him e-mail at
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Photos Added 6/16/97
Photos Added 7/23/97
Photos Added 8/24/97
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Photos Added 2/21/98
Supreme Kaos - The Arch-Rivals of Da Naybah Hoodz
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