WCW Monday Night Nitro - Monday, January 22nd, 1996
- Tonight a man who has lost to Lex Luger four times in a row, Randy Savage, goes for the World Heavyweight Title against the champion, Ric Flair.
- Dean Malenko battles Brian Pillman
- In a rematch from Saturday Night.. The WCW Tag Team Champions, Harlem Heat, battle Sting and Luger.
- And Hogan battles the US Champion.. One Man Gang.
- Lets start the show!
- We are Live from Las Vegas, Nevada for a one hour WCW Monday Night Nitro!
- Hype for two title matches tonight..
- Talk about Savage being injured in his title match tonight against Flair.
- Randomly Konnan comes out and cuts a promo about his match against Psychosis.
- That was completely odd.
- World Title match is kicking off the show.
- For the WCW World Title: (champion) Ric Flair w/ Jimmy Hart Vs Randy Savage
- Several woman come out to the ring. including Hogan's real life wife Linda Bollea and Woman.
- Hulk comes out to the aisle way and wishes good luck to Savage.
- Hogan wants the first shot at the title when Savage wins the title.
- Flair runs over to Woman and begins to dance with her.. That is until Woman slaps him.
- Savage comes out and begins to deliver right hands and sends Flair into the guard rail.
- Flair with a chop and he sends Savage into the railing.
- They both head back into the ring. Savage takes Flair down with a clothesline..2 count
- Front face lock by Savage.. Savage begins to gouge the eyes of Flair in the corner and deliver right hands.
- Flair comes back with a back elbow. Flair with a kick to the head.
- Flair with a few chops.. Flair with a right hand.
- Flair sends Savage over the top to the floor.
- Hart delivers a boot to Savage and runs away. Flair with a chop and sends Savage over the railing.
- They both begin trading rights and chops. Savage takes Flair down with a back drop.
- Savage misses a double axe handle and goes into the railing.
- Commercials
- Flair is pounding away on Savage in the ring. Savage is coming back with right hands.
- Savage with ten punches in the corner.. Flair Flip and Flair falls to the floor.
- Flair with a boot to the gut of Savage.. Savage sends Flair into the railing.
- Savage with a few right hands until Flair delivers a knee and then falls flat on his face.. Savage covers.. 2 count
- Savage with a back slide.. 2 count
- Flair comes back with a few chops and then a knee breaker..
- Flair has the Figure Four in the middle of the ring. Flair uses the ropes for leverage.
- The referee notices and the hold is broken.. Flair shoves the ref.. and the ref shoves back!
- Flair chops Savage down. Flair with a knee drop. Flair chops Savage down again.
- Flair goes up top but Savage grabs him and connects with a slam..
- Savage with a double axe handle.. And another one off the top rope!
- Hart gets onto the apron and distracts the referee.
- Arn Anderson comes down and hits Flair with brass knuckles by accident!!
- The bell sounds..
- But Savage leaps off the top and connects with the Flying Elbow Drop!!!!!
- Savage covers 1-2-3.
- Now the bell sounds correctly!!!!
- Your Winner: and NEW WCW World Champion Randy Savage via pinfall
- Gene comes into the ring and interviews Savage about his title win.
- Savage says Hogan is celebrating as if Hogan won the title.
- Hogan wants the first shot at the title.
- Savage will give him the title shot.. Once Hogan gets to the position of number one contender.
- Hogan says he will do whatever it takes to get to the number one spot..
- The crowd actually boos Hogan.
- Savage knows that he will beat Hogan and they will shake hands afterwards.
- Pillman and Malenko coming up next!
- Commercials
- Dean Malenko Vs Brian Pillman
- Horsemen member against a future Horsemen member.
- Malenko with a go-behind, Pillman reverses. Pillman with a few chops and right hands.
- Hip toss and dropkick by Malenko.. Malenko going for the cloverleaf but Pillman rolls to the outside.
- Malenko backs Pillman into a corner but Pillman delivers a right hand. Pillman with a boot and takes Malenko down,
- Pillman rubs Malenko's head into the mat. Pillman with a vertical suplex...2 count.
- Pillman mounts Malenko and slaps him.
- Malenko delivers a few right hands. Clotheslines in the corner by Malenko. A brain buster by Malenko!!!
- Pillman is out.. Swinging neck breaker by Malenko.. 2 count
- Pillman is begging and Malenko delivers a few boots to Pillman.
- Pillman comes back with a knee in the corner and goes to the middle rope.
- Pillman connects with a tornado DDT! Pillman doesn't go for the cover.
- Pillman delivers a chop, but Malenko connects with a double under hook power bomb.. 2 count.
- Pillman and Malenko are on the floor and Malenko is sent into the guard railing.
- Malenko meets Pillman on the top turnbuckle and Malenko is sent down to the mat.
- Malenko reverses a tornado DDT.. Malenko connects with a gut buster.
- Malenko places Pillman into a leg submission but Pillman gets to the ropes.
- Malenko delivers a few shoulder blocks to the gut of Pillman who is on the apron.
- Pillman comes back with right hands and Malenko is tangled in the ropes.
- Pillman covers Malenko, who is in the ropes, 1-2-3.
- The referee clearly saw Malenko in the ropes..
- Your Winner: Brian Pillman via pinfall
- Commercials
- Advertisement for upcoming show where Luger and Sting will be in action, Johnny B. Badd battles Meng, Harlem Heat battles American Males, Alex Wright faces off against Ric Flair.
- That sounds like a solid show.
- Commercials
- Hype for Clash of the Champions Wedding.
- For the WCW World Tag Team Titles- (champions) Harlem Heat Vs Sting/Lex Luger
- Commercials before the match starts.
- Luger and Ray start off, Luger clubs away on Ray in the corner.
- Ray gets his boot up in the corner and clubs away on Luger with right hands.
- Ray chokes Luger, but Luger comes off the ropes and connects with a running forearm.. 2 count.
- Luger knocks Booker off the apron but walks right into a big boot from Ray.
- Ray tags in Booker. Luger comes back with a clothesline on both men.
- Sting gets the tag and Stinger Splashes both men, twice.
- Sting places Ray into the Scorpion Death Lock but Booker comes over and connects with an impressive scissors kick.
- Ray clotheslines Sting down... 2 count
- Booker gets the tag and connects with a leaping side kick.
- Booker delivers a few right hands and a knee to the gut.
- Booker places Sting into an arm bar of sorts. Sting comes back but runs into a boot in the corner from Booker.
- Booker comes off the middle rope and connects with a face buster.. 2 count
- Double team clubbing on Sting. Ray continues to deliver right hands until Sting gets pumped and fights backs.
- Booker grabs Sting and drops him throat first on the ropes.. Ray covers for a 2 count.
- Ray places Sting into a nerve hold.
- This nerve hold is really effective, as Sting appears to be out of it.
- I lied, Sting is getting back to his feet and Ray takes him down with a scoop slam.
- Booker gets the tag and connects with a knee drop...2 count.
- Headlock by Booker... Sting fights back and manages to tag in Luger.
- Luger comes in but the referee didn't see the tag.
- Jimmy Hart is on the apron and gives Luger something and he has it in his fist.
- Sting and Booker come off the ropes and both go down with a double cross body!
- Sting gets to his feet and tags in Luger!!
- Luger knocks Booker out with silver dollars!!.. Luger goes for the cover 1-2-3!!
- Your Winners: and NEW WCW World Tag Team Champions Lex Luger and Sting via pin fall
- Hogan/Gang coming up next.
- WCW United States Champion One Man Gang Vs Hulk Hogan
- Basically everything Gang tries to do, Hogan manages to reverse.
- One the floor Hogan delivers several right hands..
- Inside the ring.. Hogan connects with a leg drop.. 1-2-3. It's over.
- Gang has just lost all credibility as being a dangerous fellow.
- It was a non-title match, so the belt does not change hands.
- Your Winner: Hulk Hogan via pinfall
- Afterwards the Dungeon of Doom come out to the ring to attack Hogan.
- Zodiac again tells Giant "No"...
- End of Show
- The Good: Two title matches
- The Bad: Gang and Hogan
- The Ugly: The way Pillman won his match