WCW Saturday Night - Saturday, 01/17/98
- We are one week away from Souled out as the show opens...
- Faces Of Fear defeat Hardwork Bobby Walker & Bobby Eaton when Meng uses The Tongan Death Grip to pin Walker.
- It's good to see Bobby Eaton tagging again. He makes any partner look good.
- Eaton is more of a mat wrestler now. I miss the high flying Bobby of old.
- Not much offense from Bobby and Bobby
- Death grip on Walker and a pinfall.
- "Gentleman" Chris Adams defeats Dave Taylor with Superkick
- Quick start by Adams as he attacks almost before the bell
- Adams nearly misses with the superkick but just catches Taylors chin
- Adams looks REALLY tired after the match. The years are catching up with him.
- John Nord over Lizmark Jr. with Camel Clutch
- I love Nord's shirt: "If you don't like me, there must be something wrong with you"...my computer must not like him.
- Dusty continues to be King Of The Obvious While Lizmark is climbing the ropes, Dusty says "I think he might be trying a high risk move."
- Rey Mysterio Jr., Super Calo & Hector Garza over La Parka, Psychosis, & Silver King
- La Parka didn't get any chair shots this week.
- The entire match Both Tony and Dusty Called La Parka "Psychosis".
- Hector Garza seemed to legitimately blow out his knee early in the match. He landed after a flip and started holding it. I thought it was a work until his opponent gently rolled him out of the ring in the middle of the match and Garza laid on the floor for the rest of the match. The announcers asked the legitimate question of why Psychosis would roll him out if he was hurt.
- High point of the match was La Parka catching Misterio attempting a flying body press off the top turnbuckle and then strutting and wobbling his knees while holding Misterio.
- Best match of the night! Mysterio wins via Hurcannranna.
- Jonny Attitude Over Lenny Lane via Neakbreaker
- Great moves by Lane
- Attitude spends a lot of time telling the ref how to do his job
- Lane got caught...I don't think he saw that neckbreaker coming
- Replay of The Outsiders Winning the titles this week
- Marty Janetty Defeats Louie Spicolli
- Janetty is a great worker! Reminds me of the current WWF champion and his former partner
- Janetty even does the superkick like Shawn Michaels
- Janetty wins via the Showstopper (Showstopper is Shawn Micheals' nickname). It's a sort of DDT delivered with a leg across the back of an opponent's neck and forcing it down.
- Interview w/Larry Zbyszko
- Talks about how he sent Scott Hall to Larryland years ago.
- Zbyszko was riot. He made fun of Hall's handlebar moustache, curly hair, and funny boots from ten years ago.
- Someone should check the old AWA archives for that match. I remember Hall getting hit by a pair of nunchucks and getting pinned him.
- Prince Iaukea over Bobby Blaze
- Blaze really working over the former champion
- Iaukea has no clue how to work the crowd. This match drew very little heat
- Iaukea wins with flying body press
- Replay of Thunder main event DDP & Luger VS Nash and Savage. This time without the technical problems.
- Public Enemy defeats Disorderly Conduct
- This is the best I've ever seen DC look
- PE brought out the table but never used it
- PE wins the match with the Drive By (Grunge flips Rocco onto opponent)
- I love the new Bischoff commerical "I am all powerful. I need more souls to buy."
- Rick Martel over Hardbody Harris
- Twelve years ago, it was the dream of every booker to have the three world champions, WWF champ Hogan, AWA champ Martel, and NWA champ Flair in a match. Now they're all together finally and no one books it!?!
- Harris really works well and sells all of Martel's moves
- Martel wins with the Boston (Quebec) Crab
- Replay of Steiners and Ray Traylor match on thunder
- Rick Steiner over Scott Norton & Vincent
- Scott Steiner is missing as the match begins
- Rick says he will wrestle alone as long as DiBiase watches his back. Rick refers to Vincent as "Virgil" while talking to DiBiase.
- Rick beats both Norton and Vincent alone and is attacked at the end of match
- Scott runs in wearing street clothes and makes the save.
- The credits roll.