WCW Saturday Night - Saturday, 07/25/98
- Two weeks away from Road Wild and the great Travis Tritt concert. I'm really looking forward to this...NOT!!!
- Scott Putski vs Bobby Eaton
- Scott Hudson and Iron Mike Tenay call the match
- Bobby looks rusty tonight...must not be too excited about his current role in WCW
- Putski gets the win with the "Putski Bomb"
- Replay of Stevie Ray and Chavo, or should I say Zorro, from Monday night.
- Stevie Ray vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
- The USA chant in full effect as if Stevie is Iraqi
- Hacksaw hits the 3 point stance clothesline early and Stevie kicks out.
- Both wrestlers attack referee Billy Silverman and are disqualified.
- Several refs enter the ring to break up the fight and Duggan clears the ring with the 2x4.
- Replay of Uncle Eric's NightCap Show. Gotta love that fast forward button.
- Doc Dean vs Rick Fuller
- This match was a squash
- No offense from Dean at all
- Fuller wins with a piledriver
- Goldberg t-shirt ad Number 1
- Note: Friday afternoon Goldberg had an autograph signing in Chicago. After arriving twenty minutes late and signing for less than an hour, he left with hundreds of fans still in line including myself that waited for at least two hours. THAT SUCKED!!! I'm not sure what I expected...I mean his matches only last a few seconds why should his appearances be any longer?
- Lee Marshall talks with Dean Malenko
- The cruiserweight title will be on the line Monday when the Iceman and Jericho fight for the final time. YEA RIGHT. Malenko makes another plea to Arn to bring back the Horsemen for his friend Chris Benoit.
- Barry Horowitz vs "Gentleman" Chris Adams
- Horowitz is a great worker...he sells moves well and really has a few well put-together combinations.
- Adams doesn't seem as impressed as I am and wins with a superkick.
- Replay of Buff Bagwell and Rick Steiner from Nitro
- High Voltage vs Villano IV & V
- The Villanos have great teamwork, quick tags and great double teams moves. they also switch men while the ref isn't looking. They remind me of the Super D's from World Class many years ago.
- Rage and Kaos also show great teamwork now that the major tag teams are gone (The Outsiders, The Steiners, Harlem Heat, etc). A young team like High Voltage or Public Enemy could really excel in the sport.
- High Voltage wins with a flying top rope bodypress.
- Lee Marshall talks with Bagwell.
- Bagwell really plays the heel and calls all the fans that wrote him get well soon letters fools.
- Replay of Bret Hart winning the US Title from DDP
- Steve "Mongo" McMichael vs Julio Sanchez
- Sanchez really works over Mongo for the first few minutes.
- Didn't last long, here comes the three point stance...
- ...and the piledriver to end it.
- Mongo wins short and sweet.
- This week in WCW motorsports
- Lance Hooper and team WCW had a top 25 finish (does the guy ever win????) I dont know much about racing, but is top 25 good?
- Video of Hollywood Hogan beating on Macho man, Piper, DDP, and Sting. What was the point of that?
- Lash LeRoux vs Road Block
- This will not last long Lash weighs about 220 and Road Block is at least 430.
- Another squash, Road Block wins via the dead end splash
- Lee Marshall interviews Stevie Ray
- Stevie says that chavo stole the TV title from J.J. (Jo-Jo) Dillon's Office. That's how Chavo had the belt Monday night. And his lawyer is preparing papers to prove that the title was given to him by Booker T.
- Jerry Flynn vs Fit Finley
- Jerry Flynn opens with a kick right to the head of Finley that I almost felt.
- Flynn is a trooper. He keeps coming back after huge attacks by Finley.
- It doesn't look like Flynn will be kicking out after this piledriver and that ends it.
- Lee Marshall interviews Curt Hennig.
- Lots of Lee Marshal tonight, he must have plenty of time without Thunder for two weeks.
- Hennig and Rude celebrate the success of nWo Hollywood on Monday night and his victory over Luger.
- Replay of Hall & Giant winning the tag titles from Sting and Nash
- Scott Hall vs Konnan
- Scott and Vincent take the survey and it looks like this Saturday crowd is Wolfpac 4 life!!!...oh, wait, my mistake...it's one more for the good guys! Sorry about that.
- Hall spends quite a bit of time slapping the head of Konnan like a old Moe and Curly routine.
- Konnan has Hall set for the tequila sunrise but Vincent interferes.
- Hall gets the pin on Konnan after The Outsider Edge and Vincent's interference.