WCW Worldwide, Sunday, 08/23/98
WCW Worldwide, Sunday, 08/23/98
By Bill

Cubs Fan is taking a well-deserved vacation this week, so I'm covering for him. Nothing here above and beyond the show itself (i.e. trivia question, mailbag, etc.). That will, as usual, be in my mid-week report.
- For those of you in the Washington, D.C. area, Worldwide comes on at varying times, usually around 1:30 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning on WFTY 50. I'm mentioning this because it's really hard to find it in the Sunday TV guide in The Washington Post, in fact, it just says WCW Wrestling so you don't have any assurance of Worldwide quality, and it's also not on WCW's listing of Worldwide times.
The Cubs Fan has his own list of Worldwide times. I know so many of you Worldwide readers are business travelers and really don't want to miss Worldwide on Sunday at 3:00 a.m. when you're on the road!
- Unfortunately, I videotaped it rather than watching it when broadcast. I would suspect that watching the show takes on a whole different feel when you watching it at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Sort of like how watching a videotape of David Letterman's show in the middle of the day just doesn't have the same effect.
- Saturn vs. Lash LeRoux (billed as Mark LeRoux for this match)
- In case you're hoping for an upset, Lash LeRoux didn't even get an entrance. But, then again, I don't think Goldberg got an entrance for that first match against Hugh Morrus on Nitro.
- LeRoux gets a few shots in, but Saturn makes short work of LeRoux. Big half-nelson German Suplex, Spiccoli Driver, long pause, and then the submission via the Rings of Saturn. All that in a match only lasting 1:11.
- Zbyszko: "LeRoux should have 23-skidooed".
- According to the promo, the show in Fairfax that I thought was on Friday, September 18th has been moved to Saturday, September 26th. The official WCW webiste reflects this change.
- Bobby Blaze vs. Brian Adams w/Vincent
- Blaze gets some shots in, but a big backbreaker and a big gutbuster stop that in a hurry.
- Blaze gets a shot in, but a big over-the-shoulder backbreaker, and it's over.
- Your winner via pinfall is Brian Adams. Time of the match, 2:08.
- Oh, well, at least Bobby Blaze got an entrance.
- Road Wild montage.
- Jim "Juice" Powers vs. Mark Guthrie
- Mark Guthrie came out to Jericho's old music, playing the heel no less.
- For those of you who've always wondered, this should be an opportunity to see what Jim Powers' finisher is.
- Rocky King is your referee.
- Powers is all over Guthrie early.
- Jim Powers hit a number of his patented knee-lifts. Well, not patented...Zbyszko says they remind him of Mr. Wrestling II.
- Powerslam by Powers, pin, it's over. Time of the match, 2:16.
- Road Block vs. Mike Sanders
- Road Block just starts destroying the guy. Road Block must outweigh the guy by 150 pounds.
- Sanders valiantly attempts to comeback.
- Road Block gets the pin following an outside-in splash. Time of the match, 1:40.
- Man, I am really getting tired of the "Everybody loves fruit" commercials. I don't watch that much TV, but I still feel like I'm seeing it ten times a day.
- Los Dos Villanos (IV & V) vs. Manny Fernandez and Doc Dean
- Why does Doc Dean click his heels?

Ahhh, as I'm typing the question, Tony comments at how agile Doc Dean is. I'm not agile at all, but I can click my heels like that.
- Yes!!! The Villanos! These guys rule! I'm still wating to see them in a Doublemint gum commercial.
- Larry Z. says Doc Dean has a fetish about tassles.
- Tony Schiavone comments that Charles Robinson is a fine referee, Larry says he's "blind as a bat".
- Los Dos Villanos go to work on Doc Dean. He manages brief comebacks, but they give a clinic on doubleteaming. Manny Fernandez, meanwhile, gives a clinic on attempting to interfere, thereby having the referee send him back to his corner, and giving the Villanos a chance to doubleteam.
- Tepid tag to Manny Fernandez. After a housecleaning about as long as one done by Peggy Bundy, Manny winds up seated on Villano V's shoulders as Villano IV comes off the top turnbuckle with a flying cross-body and then gets the pin.
- Time of the match, a relatively eonic 3:55. Actually, short as it was, the Villanos showed classic heel double-teaming ability. My mask is off to the Villanos.
- Next week on Worldwide: Scott Putski, Eddie Guerrero, Raven, Ron Misterio, Jr.
- Disco Inferno vs. Riggs
- Gee, Riggs, thanks...I was hoping to see your tongue.
- Gee, it's not even Nitro, and Zbyszko works in an A.C. Jazz reference.
- While the camera is focusing on a fat lady in the crowd, Larry Z.: "Where is Richard Simmons when you need him?"
- Disco with the advantage for the first two minutes or so, but Riggs comes back.
- Mutual attempted cross-body blocks leave both guys out in the center of the ring.
- Disco is the first one back up, and he goes to work, until he runs into a Riggs powerslam.
- Riggs misses a dropkick, Disco hits a big piledriver, and gets the pin.
- Time of the match, 4:18.