In case you are wondering why they'll be a span of time you won't see Scott Steiner on TV, read this.
We are live from Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass State, and the state flower is the goldenrod and the state tree is the tulip tree. The state bird is the cardinal, and the state mammal is the gray squirrel. The state fish? That would be the Kentucky Bass while the state insect is the Viceroy Butterfly. The state gemstone is the freshwater pearl. The state fossil would be brachiopod, which is most likely Kentucky’s most common fossil. And, in case your were wondering, the official state soil is Crider Soil.
For more information on Kentucky, check out Geobop's Kentucky Symbols page.
DDT Digest...doing it's part to help America's students learn their geography.
Schiavone talks about the tag team match of "epic proportions" on the last Nitro.
No mention of the less-than-epic ending.
Heenan thinks Flair was right to walk out on the match. Schiavone agrees, but Tenay thinks they're wrong.
As if.
Kenny Kaos vs. Bobby Duncum, Jr.
Wow, it's only 8:07 p.m. Matches are starting an hour earlier than on Nitro.
Kaos is trying to play the face before the match, but he's getting booed.
I think it's wonderful that Ted Turner has spent all that money to build such a great roster so that we can have matches like this.
Tosses and snapmares are exchanged. Slam by Duncum but he misses an elbow. Kaos goes to work.
Kaos sends Duncum outside the ring, but doesn't follow up.
Kaos eventually suplexes Duncum back in from the apron.
Slam by Kaos and leg drop from second rope.
Kaos with a few more power moves, but Duncum comes back with a belly-to-back.
Duncum with a big foot to the face and a clothesline.
Duncum pulls up Kaos instead of getting the pin. Schiavone says "you should never pull up on a man". He may be right, but Too Much says you should always pull out.
Duncum with a shoulderbreaker and then a chinlock.
Duncum continues with the power moves, but runs right into a powerslam.
Over-the-top release suplex by Kaos.
Duncum catches Kaos with a face-first Russian Leg Sweep and gets the pinfall. Kind of an anti-climactic ending.
Replay of the nWo black-and-white confrontations from Monday night. In case it didn't suck enough the first time you saw it. And if the clips in the locker room weren't bad enough, they replay the ending of the Stevie Ray / Horace match.
Mean Gene brings out Curt Hennig.
Hmmmm, is it possible for a show that's already not moving to come to a screeching halt?
Hennig challenges Flair for the title tonight.
Hennig says he's sick of short people.
Hennig gives Flair 15 minutes to respond. ultimatum only works if they are consequences.
El Vampiro vs. Prince Iaukea
Nice tattoo job.
Spinning kick by Vampiro and a big chop.
Prince comes back with some kicks and chops and a dropkick from the top rope.
Armwringer by Prince and a back elbow, but Vampiro nails Prince as he comes off the top.
Vampiro goes after Prince outside the ring, and he sells a shot from the Prince that was about a mile away.
They go back outside again, with Prince keeping the advantage.
Back in, Vampiro goes to work.
Saturn appears on the entrance ramp, and it distracts Vampiro.
Vampiro gives Prince something like a jackknife powerbomb, and Saturn returns to the locker room.
Vampiro hits the Rock Bottom, and then a leg drop.
Vampiro hits a big standing side-kick, and hits the Nail In The Coffin and gets the pin. The Nail In The Coffin looks like a crappy Greetings From Asbury Park.
Brian Adams and Horace in the locker room. Brian claims to the leader, and Horace decks him.
On WCWSN, Bam Bam Bigelow, Disco Inferno, Rick Steiner, Booker T defends, and the Tag Team Champions defend against Hennig and Windham.