Anybody got a pair of scissors I can use? Do you know anyone who might have some?
Thoughts on Last Night's (June 7) Nitro:
Is this the beginning of a new 'tougher' Nitro ? Maybe the 'G' rated idea is no longer hip. Some examples from last night:
- Normally, when someone bleeds, WCW shoots long until the blood is no longer on screen. Last night, they close upped Rey's bleeding mouth.
- Hak smoking. Perhaps we'll get a full Sandman entrance soon? If you haven't seen one, find someone with an old ECW tape and watch it. He had a GREAT entrance.
- The Luchadore Hardcore match had some SICK bumps. The Asai onto the trashcan covered head, the table shot, and the double chair powerbomb were all tough spots. (The chairs were supposed to split, but La Parka put them too close together. I think Damian was hurt, 'cause you could see La Parka talking to him after the pin.)
- The wrecking of the limo is a pretty expensive 30 seconds. It also seemed a bit violent for WCW.
Hats off to Sting. Did anyone else notice that when he Stinger-splashed Madusa, her head hit at a funny angle? Immediately after that, Sting was still leaning over her. Madusa looked up at Sting and nodded very subtly. It was fairly obvious he was checking on her. After the Owen Hart tragedy, it is nice to see that some promotions take care of their own.
I have been thinking about this for awhile, mainly why the WCW is slumping so much so quickly. I want to understand the management's reasoning for continuing to submit us to endless tirades by the geriatric crowd, and why they are keeping the younger talent down.
The only reasonable explanation I can possibly come up with is this. The number of so called "smart marks," out there are are greatly outnumbered as wrestling fans by the true "marks." The true marks recognize the face names such as Hogan, Piper, Savage, etc. They were big names for a long time and are still who people automatically answer when you are their favorite wrestlers. While the "smart" people realize how little talent they have, and are tired of their antics, the majority of the people like them and still come to the arenas just to watch these "icons." Now as much as I hate to admit it, the WCW isn't exactly thinking badly with this idea, but they are going about it all wrong.
I do not claim to know what the people want, but it's easy to tell, that right now, the people prefer the WWF over WCW simply because of the newer ideals and the more adult content. Putting it simply, the WCW puts on a much greater "wrestling" show. They have a greater roster, and greater wrestlers in their roster. Apparently the fans aren't as interested in great wrestling, so again, putting on the older, bigger name wrestlers, isn't a bad idea, but again, they are going about it the wrong way.
I seem to recall, from past Nitro reports, that you are a fellow Linux geek. In the process of doing some work with KDE, I ran across the following that might be of some interest to you (and goes a way toward explaining a certain lack of presence over the past months):
Scroll to the bottom. Notice also the domain.
I'm half-tempted to show up at the Atlanta Nitro with a sign showing Tux in a nWo shirt.
By the way, it's "cojones", not "cajones".
Savage mispronounces it, you mispell it. great teamwork!
After this week's Nitro a few different things seem to be obvious, at least to me:
- With his new look, doesn't Rick Steiner look an awful lot like Ed Leslie's most recent persona? I foresee a new tag team forming! (what a nightmare)
- After Piper's impressive oratory with Bagwell and his new name "Buffy," I see a definite non-push for Vampiro. Buffy the Vampiro Slayer.
- No Asya.
- The actual booker for WCW: Rocky Maivia. After a couple of weeks ago when Savage said "Can you smell what the Mach is cookin'?" The booker got upset and instead of using nuggets for revenge used this malodorous storyline.
Aren't all these obvious?
Master P and the No Limit Soldiers are livin' the good life. Not only do they sign for some ridiculous amounts of money, Frosted Mini G and Gonnad come out wearing No Limit shit. Free advertising.
I just want to remark on your statement in the Nitro report for June 7th....You said Buff and Sting are the only 2 significant WCW stars not to spend time in the WWF.....Goldberg isn't significant?.....Booker T isn't significant?.......What about Kidman, Hak, Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, Ernest Miller, Rey Mysterio Jr., Disco Inferno, Konnan, Scott Norton, Dallas Page, Kanyon, Dean Malenko, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Eddy Guerrero, Alex Wright, Raven, Norman Smiley, Chris Jericho, Steve McMichael? There all big time stars, most of them are former champions....they are all at least as significant as Buff Bagwell is.......
Oops. You're correct. "My bad." I think what I was going for was "guys
who have been in WCW for five or more years, and who have never spent time in
the WWF.
Note from Bill: Actually, Chris Benoit wrestled at least two matches for the WWF, Raven was in the WWF for quite a while as Johnny Polo, and Steve McMichael was one of the wrestlers who escorted Lawrence Taylor to the ring for his match against Bam Bam Bigelow at Wrestlemania XI.
Ha, a Black Belt Jones Reference! My favorite scene is where about 89 guys pile out of the car in the car wash and continue to get at a time. Come to think of it maybe this is where Bischoff got his inspiration for most of the nWo's attacks.
A few months ago, Kevin Nash approaches Konnan in the locker room after a
booking meeting:
Nash: Konnan - we have found the perfect tag team partner for you.
He is identical to you in every way......only 1/8 your size.
(Door opens to reveal Rey Mysterio Jr. in a "FUBU" shirt and
Konnnan: I shall call him - "Mini Me."
(Props to Official DDT Digest Fraternity Brother A.C. Leex and Mailbag writer Gunstar Red for coming up with the same joke this week)
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Mini-Me has the formerly-stellar cruiser title as his personal bitch, which is a shame, considering that was the ONE title you could always count on meaning something.
The Sting/Steiner feud, while ostensably over the TV title, really doesn't involve the belt at all, so it may as well not be there.
And the US title is a joke. Period.
The only way I'm gonna care about Master P is if P.N. News comes and beats the hell out of him.