WCW Halloween Havoc, 10/24/99
WCW Halloween Havoc
Sunday, October 24, 1999

The picture is just a reminder: WCW's revival began 10 months before the
arrival of Vince Russo.
So, here we are. Halloween Havoc '99. The first pay-per-view test of the
new crew, Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara. Lots has been made of the behind-the-scenes
jump of these former WWF creative dudes.
Wrestling is now beyond strange. Really, three years ago, who
would have noticed that a company's writers had jumped to the competition?
Hell, who would have thought that wrestling writers existed?
Just goes to show how wrestling is now, more than ever, more about
entertainment than sport.
Of course, you could say that about an North American sport nowadays.
You can't even go to a football stadium, ballpark or hockey arena without
being assaulted with blaring sound systems, trivia giveaways, shoot-for-loot
competitions and irritating bimbos with microphones.
Even my beloved Toronto Maple Leafs (a team rich in history) aren't immune.
Live games at the Air Canada Centre are sports-entertainment spectaculars.
Screw talking about the game between periods -- I've gotta watch
out for some doofus in a big bear costume, who's slingshotting t-shirts
into the crowd.
It's a goddamn feeding frenzy.
And no sport is immune from this type of thing. Decision-makers are trying
to distract us with crappy entertainment, to get us all excited with hype
that has nothing to do with athleticism.
Of course, wrestling mastered this approach years ago.
In WCW, we've seen this for a little more
than a decade. But thankfully, even through the darkest days, the company
has provided us with solid wrestling.
Now, we are faced with a new WCW. One that has imported WWF writers. Those
writers took sports-entertainment deeper into entertainment territory these
last few years.
Pro wrestling purists (and yes, we do exist) fear WCW is about to go the
route it did in 1994, when it just copied the WWF to achieve ratings success.
Certainly, even wrestling purists must realize that the entertainment part of
sports-entertainment ain't goin' nowheres. So, Vince Russo's approach will
include lots of overscripted talking, strange angles, conveniently-placed
cameras and well-sculpted breasts.
The breasts, at least, I can live with.
But I hope Mr. Russo will realize he has a deep and talented roster at his
disposal. This ain't the WWF. There are more than five capable rasslers
on the roster.
So Vince, if you're reading this (and I know you surf the net) please keep in
mind that in WCW, you can have entertainment and sport.
Let's see how you take on this new challenge. And I swear, if I see that
t-shirt launching bear in attendance at next month's WCW Mayhem pay-per-view
here in Toronto, I'm gonna piledrive the sumbitch.

Okay folks. Let's see what happens on this card. If Nitro was any indication,
Russo and Ferrara have already taken the company in a better direction.
Hey... no Ric Flair in a looney bin, no Humvee, no Randy Savage
excrement bath, no Megadeth, no KISS Demon, no Nash lying down for
Hogan after a poke in the chest, and best of all: no Master P.
So far, so good.
Anyway, the pay-per-view is ordered. The television is on. The tape is in the VCR.
The VCR is rolling. The beer is chilled. The time is here.
Hey... where the hell are my socks?
Let Halloween Havoc '99 begin!

- The opening montage rolls. Sid laughs and Goldberg yaks. Sting
turns on Hogan (and the fans love it).
We're live and in kull-ah... in Las Vegas.
That reminds me. A trivia question. Answer me this: at last year's Havoc,
where did Lodi say he hailed from?
Your hosts are Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan. No Mike Tenay.
- Tony sez there's breaking news: Rey Mysterio can't compete, so the Filthy Animals have been stripped of their belts.
- So here's the deal. Konnan teams with Kidman (humperdido!) to take on the First Family and Harlem Heat.
- Winners get the belts.
- Hmmm...
- Bobby sez let's go.
- Wow -- a no bullshit opening segment.
- Match One: Cruiserweight title -- Disco Inferno vs. Lash LeRoux
- Hey -- remember last year's opener, Chris Jericho vs. Raven?
- I'm glad WCW got rid of those stiffs.
- Shameless plug time. All you Lash fans may want to visit
the Rajin' Cajun's official site.
- Disco out first. Nice outfit.

- Here's Lash with a Lash Vegas t-shirt.
- Lash talks, Disco gets the first shot.
- Stomp down by DI.
- Lash with a boot. He misses a clothesline, catches a thumb to the eye, and is knocked down.
- Lash gets the advantage with a leapfrog, dropkick and a couple of slams.
- Elbow.
- Punch.
- Lash does the Disco dance, the splits, and he lands a punch. Nice.
- Disco elbow.
- Lash whips Disco out of the ring.
- Outside, Lash punishes Disco.
- Disco rams Lash into the post.
- Back in, Disco is caught off the top and into a supplex.
- Lash up to the top. Hits a hurancanrana, and lands on his back. Ouch.

- He keeps the advantage.
- Disco out of a headlock and he tries to whip Lash outside.
- Lash skins the cat, comes back in, and hits a backbreaker.
- Disco catches Lash in the corner, pancakes him, and hits a neckbreaker. Two.
- Disco Russian legsweep.
- Good pace, but the match is a little sloppy.
- Second rope elbow by Disco. Two.
- Piledriver.
- Lash ducks Disco, hits a powerbomb. Two.
- "Ooh-wee!"
- They trade ducking clotheslines.
- Last dance by Disco.
- 1-2-3.
- Good match.
- Nice ppv debut for Lash.
- Lash gets up and attacks Disco. Another powerbomb, this time on the belt.
- Memo to Vince Russo
- Vince, when you think quality wrestling interviews, think Arn Anderson.
- He'd make a great manager...
- Video package
- Perry Saturn meets Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko on the way into the arena.
- Malenko tells Saturn he and Douglas can stick the Revolution up their asses.
- Mike Tenay interviews Harlem Heat
- Booker T says they'll get the belts. I guess he's seen the booking sheets.
- Stevie Ray does his best imitation of Mushmouth.
- He says "Fruit booties" just because the DDT Digest crew gets such a kick outta it.
- Match Two: WCW Tag titles -- Harlem Heat vs. First Family vs. Konnan & Kidman
- The match is streetfight rules, two referees.
- Jimmy Hart is with the First Family. They're out first, in Halloween masks.
- Harlem Heat is next.
- Kidman comes out with a video camera. Konnan comes out with baggy pants.
- The match begins, and mayhem ensues.
- Fists fly, garbage cans and chairs bonk over heads.
- Lots of garbage wrestling.
- I'll just give you the highlights.
- Booker nearly gets the pin on Hugh Morrus after Knobbs accidentally hits him with a trash can.
- Jimmy Hart hits Booker with a trash can lid.
- Booker chases him down the entranceway. Knobbs saves his manager.
- Harlem Heat throw Knobbs through a coffin as they fight to the back.
- Morrus drops Kidman on an unfolded chair. Ouch!
- Booker accidentally kicks Stevie Ray.
- Morrus with a no laughing matter through a table on Konnan.
- In the back, Harlem Heat pins Knobbs after Stevie hits him with a mummy!
- The Yeti lives!

- In the ring, Kidman pins Morrus.
- Cool.
- So, who are the champs?
- Ref one tells ref two the Heat got their pin first.
- So they are the ten time WCW tag champs.
- Good finish.
- Konnan is slumped in a corner. He looks hurt for real.
- Appears to be a separated shoulder.
- Memo to Vince Russo
- Vince, I don't think there's anything wrong with angles involving greased, gorgeous, horny lesbians in tubs full of tapioca pudding.
- Just an innocent thought. I'm trying to be helpful here.
- Video package
- Ric Flair is shown entering the arena with two inanimate objects: his son and a crowbar.
- Back to the ring, DDP and his cheating wife come out.
- Kimbo says Flair spanked her ass 14 times. And that's just a warm up with DDP.
- Welcome to WWF Raw.
- "DDP sucks" chant. Page responds: "I can't possibly suck -- I'm not from Las Vegas."
- DDP says something about Kimbo, the hotel room, a swerve. He then adds that Flair likes to "spank it."
- DDP challenges Flair to a strap match, so that more spanking can ensue.
- Match Three: Perry Saturn vs. Eddy (or is it Eddie?) Guerrero
- What's left of the Revolution is banned from ringside.
- So are the Filthy Animals.
- Saturn to the ring first. Eddy's next -- he has Flair's Rolex.
- Eddy tries a dropkick to start, but he misses.
- They duck each other.
- Saturn with the early advantage.
- Eddy with a low dropkick.
- Saturn tossed out. Eddy off the apron with an elbow.
- Eddy tosses Saturn into the rail. Saturn is limping.
- Eddy loosens the ring step.
- Saturn drops him on it.
- Saturn is hurt. The limp is bad.
- They're in.
- Saturn with a powerbomb.
- Springing second rope crossbody by Saturn. The limp is going away.
- Nasty looking wristlock into a flip, into an armbar.
- That's talent. How many guys can make a wristlock look nasty?
- Saturn pancakes Eddy.
- Armbar.
- Fall forward into a headscissors.
- Eddy tossed into the corner. He fights out.
- Low dropkick. Cover. Two.
- Into the corner, a number of switches, and Saturn hits a t-bone supplex.
- Good match.
- Saturn puts Guerrero's leg on the rope, and he jumps on it.
- Leglock. Eddy gets out with an eye poke.
- Eddy with a belly-to-back supplex.
- Wristlock by Eddy.
- Armlock.
- "Boring" chants start up.
- Saturn lifts Eddy from the armlock position on the mat and supplexes him.
- Nice.
- Asai moonsault by Saturn. Eddy gets the knees up.
- Eddy with a vertical supplex.
- Eddy misses the frog splash.
- Both guys struggle to their feet.
- Saturn with a couple of fists.
- He tries to springboard, and catches a dropkick from Eddy.
- Saturn regains the advantage. He sets Eddy on the top rope.
- Eddy knocks him down, but Saturn crotches him on the top rope.
- Fallaway backdrop by Saturn. Nice.
- Cover. Two.
- Saturn sets Eddy on the top again.
- Eddy flips over.
- He traps Saturn on the top, and locks him in a superplex. Bam!
- Ric Flair comes to the ring with a crowbar.
- He hits Eddy.
- Disqualification. He whacks Eddy with the crowbar.
- Kidman out.
- He catches a shot from the crowbar. Konnan and Rey are apparently at the hospital.
- Torrie out.
- Flair threatens to crowbar her, too.
- But, recognizing his favourite kind of talent, he dances around her and gives her a kiss.
- She smiles. Flair leaves.

- He returns to ringside and grabs his watch.
- Flair dances to the back.
- And so would I.
- Not a great ending to the match, but what the hell, things got entertaining after the bell rang.

- Memo to Vince Russo
- Vince, if you ever bring back Chucky, I will mail you the contents of my cat's poop box.
- And send it postage due.
- Don't mess with me. I have a cat with a bad bladder.
- To the back...
- Cameras rush to the scene of a fight.
- Goldberg is beating up somebody.
- They're pulled apart.
- It's Sid.
- He's bloodied.
- "Is that all ya got?!?!" he screams.
- To the ring...
- Buff Bagwell comes out to explain what happened on Monday Nitro.
- He says he has a problem with the two new "writers."
- That's you, Russo and Ferrara.
- Buff says he wants a piece of Jeff Jarrett.
- Match Four: Buff Bagwell vs. Jeff Jarrett
- Jarrett runs out and gets clotheslined outside.
- They brawl outside.
- I suppose this makes Jarrett the first guy to appear on pay-per-view two weeks in a row.
- Lex Luger comes out with a guitar. (Remember -- someone broke a guitar over Liz's head on Monday)
- Buff holds Jarrett.
- Lex swings. Jarrett ducks. And Buff takes the solid guitar neck to the top of the head, instead of the hollow guitar body.

- Ouch. The guitar didn't break, but it made a hell of a nasty sound.
- No result announced. Was that a match?
- Memo to Vince Russo
- Vince, I have one word for you: acrylic.
- Everybody I know loves acrylic.
- To the back...
- Sid is shown getting stiches.
- An injured Eddy Guerrero is on the phone, calling Rey back to the arena.
- Match Five: Berlyn (with large Aryan) vs. Brad Armstrong
- Armstrong out first.
- Lock up. Berlyn pushes Armstrong into the corner.
- Armstrong switches positions, and catches a fist while the referee tries to break them up.
- Armlocks, switches, Berlyn with a punch.
- "USA" chant.
- Armstrong with an armdrag and a dropkick. Two.
- Berlyn belly-to-back supplex.
- Berlyn with a powerbomb. Two.
- Spinwheel kick.
- Berlyn kicks at him.
- Two.
- Armstrong rolls Berlyn over for two.
- Snap supplex by Berlyn.
- Berlyn misses clotheslines.
- He hits one, and gets a two count.
- Elbow drops.
- They brawl a bit.
- Berlyn is cut on the elbow.
- Berlyn tries the reverse neckbreaker.
- Armstrong hangs onto the rope, Berlyn falls.
- Armstrong with the cover.
- 1-2-3
- Berlyn and the ref attack Armstrong.
- They play Berlyn's music.
- Hey -- he didn't win.
I interrupt the pay-per-view report, to bring you a Xavier Doom
Halloween Havoc tradition.
Last year, I gave you the very first Halloween Havoc Haiku.
Here's this year's:
This company, dead
Hoping to catch up Mondays
Just think Vince Russo
Okay, so that sucked.
Better Havoc Haikus are available at my page,
Xavier Doom's Slayground,
in the XD Files.
- Memo to Vince Russo
- WCW would benefit from a wrestler who adopts the non-violence approach to conflict.
- Passive resistance. Just think about it.
Now, back to the pay-per-view...
- To the back...
- Tenay talks to Ric Flair.
- Flair says he had his way with the Filthy Animals.
- He promos the strap match, and basically calls Kimbo a slut.
- Match Six: TV title -- Chris Benoit vs. Rick Steiner
- The champ's out first.
- Steiner follows, wearing a shirt that says "If you don't like me, bite me."
- Rick, why don't you just admit you stole that catchphrase from me? Why?
- Steiner stalls.
- Benoit slides out to get him. Steiner gets in.
- And when Benoit comes back in, he gets pounded.
- Crossface forearms.
- Clothesline by Steiner.
- Punch to the back of the head.
- Impressive backflip toss by Steiner.
- Two.
- Steiner misses the elbowdrop.
- Benoit chops.
- Whip to the corner, Benoit eats Steiner boot.
- Benoit still manages to catch Steiner on the top rope in a superplex.
- Crippler crossface attempt. Steiner dives out of the ring.
- Benoit with a suicide dive. They hit the rail.
- Steiner thrown into the rail. Benoit misses a dive at it.
- Steiner tosses him into the rail again, and then into the steps.
- Back in, Steiner gets two.
- Steiner tosses Benoit into a corner.
- Whip to the corner reversed by Benoit.
- Benoit with two more, and a dropkick. Two.
- Steiner to the floor.
- Steiner in. He pushes the ref into Benoit.
- While the ref is turned around, Steiner nails Benoit in the nuts.
- Steiner with a leglock.
- Another.
- Steiner misses a short clothesline.
- Benoit whips Steiner to the ropes, and misses a dropkick.
- Steiner rubs Benoit's face into the mat. Chokehold.
- Steiner flips Benoit over his head. Looked painful.
- Benoit with a surprise small-package.
- Steiner with punches.
- He hangs Benoit in the corner.
- Steiner kicks Benoit in the head, and paintbrushes him.
- Steiner with a release belly-to-back supplex. Two.
- He slaps around Benoit.
- Another release supplex. Two.

- Steiner takes his time, and Benoit hits a DDT out of nowhere.
- Steiner gets up, misses a clothesline, and gets shoulderblocked.
- Benoit with chops.
- Benoit locks on the German supplex series. Three of them. Two count.
- Steiner gets up, whips Benoit into the corner, and then the referee into Benoit.
- The ref is out, and Steiner gets a chair.
- Benoit ducks, and nails a t-bone supplex.
- He then slams the chair into Steiner's face.
- Benoit up for the headbutt. On the way down, Steiner throws the chair into Benoit's face.
- Malenko to the ring.
- He picks up the chair, threatens Steiner, and whacks Benoit.
- Malenko puts the ref in the ring. 1-2-3. New champ.
- Saturn comes out, and he embraces Malenko.
- Looks like Benoit will be feuding with the Revolution.
- Well, the booking tonight has been good, so it appears Vince Russo is going in the right direction.
- Hey, he made WWF Raw one of the most compelling shows on television.

- Memo to Vince Russo
- How about a WCW worst-gimmick battle royal?
- The Desperadoes, Furface, The Yeti, The Creatures, PN News, Vinnie Vegas,
the KISS Demon, Mr. Hole in One...
- To the back...
- Tenay talks to Bret Hart.
- "...excellently executed."
- Blah, blah, blah.
- Match Seven: The Total Parcel (with Liz) vs. Bret Hart
- Hart attack to start the contest.
- They take it outside. Hart bounces the Parcel off the table and the steps.
- Inside. Hart with a low headbutt.
- Punch. It's all Hart so far.
- Rope burn. Punches. Choke.
- Boot to the face.
- Luger down. Hart gets some cheers.
- Hart throws Luger out again.
- He pushes Luger back-first into the apron.
- Liz distracts Hart.
- Hart sees the Parcel coming. He beats on his some more.
- Inside, and the Hart domination continues.
- Finally, Luger goes to the gut and the eyes.
- Elbows by the Parcel.
- Hart up. Punches. Strikes to the kidneys.
- Luger is crawling around.
- Russian leg sweep. Cover. Parcel kicks out.
- Atomic drop. Clothesline.
- Solid match from Hart.
- Pick up into a side backbreaker.
- Hart with a second-rope elbow.
- Two.
- Sharpshooter... almost. Gouge by the Parcel.
- They reverse hiptosses, and fall outside.
- Hart is limping, selling the injury from Nitro.
- Luger rolls in, Hart follows.
- Luger is apparently beaten, but Hart's ankle prevents him from attacking.

- Hart slumps in the corner.
- Luger pounces, and works over the leg.
- He wraps it around the rope, pulls on it, and then stomps on it.
- Luger with a half-crab.
- Hart taps out!
- Son of a bitch. Wow.
- A match with psychology, strategy -- and a clean finish.
- Memo to Vince Russo
- More of this kind of stuff, Vince.
- Goldberg speaks
- He tells Mike Tenay that he's gonna rip Sid's head off.
- Madusa comes out
- She's here to shill cologne, apparently.

- Heenan says the cologne smells like liquid kitty litter.
- Madusa bitches that Russo and Ferrara made her dress this way, and promote the product.
- She says it's "BULLSHIT!"
- She dumps the contents of the bottle over Heenan and leaves.
- WCW is family entertainment.
- Remember that.

- Match Eight: WCW title -- Sting vs. Hogan the Gimp
- Er... it's 9:47 EST. There should be an hour to go...
- Hogan's music starts. Introduction.
- ...and it appears he's not coming out.
- Sting's music starts, and he does come out.
- So, they're playing up the Hogan work/shoot angle here.
- The announcers play up Hogan's tardiness.
- Hogan's music starts again. He's introduced -- again.
- After a big delay, he comes out in black.
- He jaws with Sting a bit.
- He says something to the ref, and he just... lays down.
- Sting covers.
- 1-2-3

- The crowd's pissed.
- Heh.
- This is a dream come true.
- Wow. The booking has been good tonight, no?
- Memo to Vince Russo
- At Mayhem next month, you should have a barefoot Hogan come to the ring and put a loaded shotgun in his mouth.
- Talk about a dream come true!
- Match Nine: US title -- Sid Vicious vs. Goldberg
- Okay. We're not even two hours into the show. Isn't this the main event?
- Sid out first. His face is bloodied from the attack shown earlier.
- Heenan says Sid didn't have to come out because of the pre-match no-touch stipulation, but he did anyway.
- Goldberg makes his way to the ring with his security escort.
- The escort does no damn good, however, as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash attack!
- Sid takes advantage, and beats on Goldberg.
- They battle back to the ring.
- Goldberg slams Sid into the ring steps.
- Goldberg pounds him in the head. Sid invites Goldberg to hit him more.
- Sid ducks down. Blade job? Yup.
- More punches.
- Sid fights back.
- Wow. He's actually booked as a badass, and not a coward.
- In the ring, Sid clubbers Goldberg.
- Camel clutch.
- Sid's juicing good.
- Goldberg picks up Sid from the camel clutch position, and drops him on his back.
- Close two.
- Goldberg twists Sid's head.
- Sid won't stay down.
- The ref checks Sid.
- Goldberg pounds away.
- Sid tries to fight back.
- Goldberg chokes him.
- Clothesline. Elbow. Cover. Sid kicks out.
- Goldberg hammers Sid some more, and checks the blood on his hands.

- Sid won't stay down.
- Goldberg taunts Sid.
- Sid punches away, but Goldberg won't be denied.
- The ref asks Sid if he wants to quit.
- Goldberg keeps pounding away. Sid can't defend himself effectively.
- The ref stops the match on bleeding. And believe it or not, they did such a good job selling the beating, it's a satisfying ending.
- Rick Steiner comes out to help Sid.
- Sid gets up, groggy. He wants more. Steiner gets him to leave.
- Goldberg is given the belt, but he doesn't look too happy at the way he won.
- A dazed Sid nearly gets to the back, but decides to start walking to the ring again.
- Steiner makes him rethink that. Sid goes to the dressing room.
- Good ending. Sid lost, but still looked kick-ass tough.
- Memo to Vince Russo
- I'm running out of material.
- Don't let it happen to you.
- Match Ten: Strap match -- Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page (with Kimbo)
- Before the match, Sting comes out, and says he didn't come to Las Vegas for a night off.
- Loud pop.
- He throws out an open challenge and says he'll return to the ring later.
- DDP and Kimmy out first.
- Flair's next. DDP leaves the ring.
- Internet rumour of the week: this will be Flair's final match.
- Your ref is Little Naitch, Charles Robinson.
- Flair puts on the strap.
- DDP stalls.
- DDP grabs the strap and enters.
- They brawl in the corner.
- Chop by you-know-who.
- Flair with the strap.
- DDP rolls out. Flair rolls out on a different side, and he yanks DDP into the post.
- Flair whips DDP up the aisle.
- DDP gets the advantage, and he dumps Flair into the crowd.
- Flair into the railing.
- Through the crowd now.
- Flair chops DDP up some stairs.
- Strap to the back. To the chest. DDP responds in kind.
- Flair chokes DDP with the strap.
- They come back to ringside.
- Flair grabs Kimbo and gives her a kiss.
- The old man is doing okay in the Russo era...
- DDP gets the advantage and tosses Flair around.
- Flair's busted open.
- DDP stomps him down.
- Flair leaves a puddle of blood on the safety mats outside the ring.

- DDP beats on him some more, and puts him on the table.
- He straps Flair and works the crowd. They chant for more.
- Punches by DDP.
- Back in the ring.
- Two. DDP's pissed at the ref.
- Flair crotches DDP.
- He straps him. Kimbo cringes.

- In the corner, Flair straps him.
- Schiavone says something that makes sense: "Vintage Ric Flair."
- Clothesline by the Nature Baby Boomer.
- He follows with a great kneedrop.
- DDP's leg is draped on the rope. Flair does the hard sit down.
- Flair with a chop-block.
- Some idiot yells "boring."
- Buddy, you don't have a clue.
- Flair with the figure four.
- DDP's shoulders are down. Two.
- Flair hammers DDP in the head repeatedly.
- DDP with a pair of headbutts to the groin.
- DDP rubs the strap into Flair's face.
- He wraps the strap around Flair's neck.
- Diamond cutter.
- Robinson counts. 1-2-um... Robinson hesitates.
- DDP gives Robinson the death stare, and Robinson rings the bell. DDP wins.
- DDP smacks Robinson.
- David Flair out with the crowbar.
- Kimbo stops him, crotches him, and DDP takes the crowbar.
- He nails Flair in the groin with it.

- The crowd lets out a sympathetic groan.
- DDP gives Davey Flair two diamond cutters.
- EMTs come out to assist the Flairs.
- Ric is put in a neck brace, and on the stretcher.
- Davey and Robinson are crying.
- Hmm... could this be the way Flair goes into semi-retirement?
- The EMTs take Flair through the back to a waiting ambulance, and the Filthy Animals attack!
- They beat Flair, and load him into the ambulance.
- They drive away...
- Sting comes out again
- He wants to know who will face him.
- The crowd chants "Goldberg."
- They pop, and out he comes.
- Match Eleven: WCW World title -- Sting vs. Goldberg
- Charles Robinson runs out, and we have a match.
- Into the corner, Goldberg knees and kicks Sting.
- Goldberg pounds on the champ.
- Outside.
- Goldberg slams Sting into the table.
- He whips him into the rail.
- Goldberg goes for a clothesline, and he hits the ringpost.
- Inside, Sting with an elbow.
- Off the top with a splash, Sting gets two.

- Sting spears Goldberg!
- Goldberg leaps to his feet, and delivers a crescent kick!
- He tries to spear Sting in the corner, but Sting moves, and Goldberg hits the ringpost.
- Sting with a Stinger splash.
- Another!
- And another!
- Goldberg slumps down.
- Sting whips Goldberg into the ropes, and misses a clothesline.
- Sting off the ropes, Goldberg leapfrogs him -- and then nails the spear.
- Sting locked in position for the jackhammer.
- Can he get out?
- No.
- Jackhammer.
- 1-2-3

- New World champion.
- I suppose that means his newly-won US title will be up for grabs now.
- The fans eat it up as Goldberg celebrates.
- Sting rolls out, rests, and then he rolls back in.
- Sting argues with the ref.
- And he gives him a reverse DDT in protest.
Well, that's the show.
And if that's WCW's new direction, you won't hear a complaint from me.
I don't know how anyone could be disappointed with that show. Great action,
attention to storylines, satisfying finishes, juice galore, entertaining
I now remember why I became a wrestling fan in the first place.
- Memo to Vince Russo
- Nicely done.
- Another memo to Vince Russo
- Remember: gorgeous, horny lesbians. Mix in a bit of tapioca pudding, and voila! big-time ratings.
- Trivia answer: Anywhere in the world but Las Vegas.