WCW Thunder - Wednesday, June 22, 2000
"Hello, my name is D-Lo Brown.... After I went on the
diet Mark Henry and Vader used."
Before I start the report off I have to say that I'm very worried about
one thing? Is that it that we live in a country where we turn on Jerry
Springer and the show topic is "My Uncle's My Pimp?" No, that's not it.
Is it that The Rock can say the same damn things over and over again and
people don't call him repetitive? Nope, that's not it either. It's Brian
Knobbs? Why Knobbs? He fell of a damn building on the first Thunder under
the Bischoff/Russo era and we've had no update. Is he dead? Is he still
there living from his own body fat? Please WCW, we need an update on this
(un)talented wrestler.
Check out my site. New columns,
updates to the MEW TNM Circuit, and some other assorted crap in the next
24 hours.
Show starts off with clips from Nitro followed by the usual opener.
I'm surprised, Tony didn't do the usual "We're in (insert town), this is
World Championship Wrestling."
Rick Steiner vs. Tank Abbott
This certainly shouldn't be pretty.
Steiner takes the mic. Yippe.
Steiner blabbers on about Tank hitting him with a chain, Steiner hitting
him with a clothesline, and Tank costing him the tag title match on Monday.
He calls out Tank and tells us that if we don't like him, to bite him.
Tank Abbott, with a beer filled gut, comes down to the ring.
Tank charges at Rick and picks him up, and drops him.
Tank executes a weird looking leglock and Steiner rolls to the ropes to
get out.
They roll around a little bit and Tank executes an arm wringer. Rick gets
into the ropes, but won't let go of it.

They get up and just punch the hell out of each other and they hold each
other on the mat for a little bit.
Tank brings him down again and gets a two count.
Tank hits the big punch and looks at the crowd. Rick gets up and Steiner
ducks another punch.
Steiner hits a T-Bone Suplex and nails a Steinerline.
Rick punches him in the head some more.
Rick goes to the top and hits the SBOD (Shitty Bulldog Of Death) for
the win at three minutes.
We cut to the announcers who talk about the usual.
They talk for like two minutes until Tank jumps over the announce table
and pulls a fan over the guardrail.
Tank rips his shirt off as security runs off.
First Madden is shirtless, then Hudson, then an innocent fan. Who's next?
Rhonda Singh? GOD NO.
The security guards escort the fan away with his hands behind his back
like they're arresting him.
Bad match, half decent afterward stuff.
In the back a white limo arrives. Out of the drivers seat is a fat D-Lo
Brown. He opens the door and out comes Jeff Jarrett, The Cat, and Mike
Awesome. Jeff asks The Cat to have Awesome against Scott Steiner at the
GAB and The Cat says that for the ratings sake, he's going to have Awesome
vs. Steiner. They complain and the fat D-Lo whispers something to The Cat
and he leaves happy, saying the man deserves a raise. Jarrett and Awesome
ask him what he said as he smiles.

In the production truck Shawn Stasiak, Chuck Palumbo, and a guy are sitting.
Chuck calls him Woody Woodpecker and talks about Tank and Rick tricking
them. Stasiak asks what one button does and he stops the guy in mid-sentence
saying that he took it in high school and he knows. Shawn then hits a button
and we cut to the ring where Penzer is standing. The fireworks go off and
he falls down from the surprise! Back to the production truck they laugh.
Jeff Jarrett, Mike Awesome, and The Cat make their way down to the ring.
Jeff jumps on the top rope and begins to speak.
Jeff says he's the chosen one and that he's the best damn WCW Heavyweight
Champion there has ever been.
Jeff talks about coincidences like how the Slapnut shirt is the fastest
selling shirt in WCW history and how Hogan was stretchered out the last
time they saw him.
Jeff says he sent him a get well card everyday.
Jeff says that for old time's sake, him and Jarrett for the title at the
Jeff says that he's got a surprise for Hogan and that is he's going to
find the most fat, disgusting women to ringside and after he wins, he'll
have the ugly women come into the ring, straddle Hogan, and sing.
Since it's not over till the fat lady sings. Get it?
Mike Awesome takes the stick and tells the fans to shut up.
Mike says that he knows that his one weakness is that his back is one power
bomb through a table of going snap, crackle, pop.
Mike says that he'll need his large arms to wheel himself around in a wheelchair
for the rest of his life. He then lets out an "Ahhh" for no apparent reason.
The Cat asks for our attention and when we don't pay attention, he tells
us to shut the hell up.
The Cat says that when he gets Hall's contract is his hands, he's going
to do something with it because it belongs to the NB.
The Cat plugs that Thunder is going to great and says that someone needs
to kiss his momma.
He tells a fat ass lady to shut the hell up and the lady must have provoked
him because he tries to run to the outside.
Tonight, Mike Awesome and Jeff Jarrett against Scott Steiner and Kevin
The Cat dances in the ring as Jarrett and Awesome leave pissed.
In the back Rection talks to the MIA. He says that tonight's mission is
a Three Way, Mixed Tag Team match. He talks about the no interference rule
laid down by The Cat and gets them straight and to stick their chests forward.
Corporal Cajun puts his head down and stares at Major Guns' very large
guns and says if she's not ready, she sure has him ready. They then fall

Commercials. I just saw the next shirtless, out of shape guy from the Juicy Fruit commercial on WCW programming.
These new Taco Bell commercials are very annoying.

In the back Terry Funk is teaching Johnny The Bull how to take trashcan
shots by hitting him over the head and kicks him in the nuts. He gives
Johnny the can and tells him to hit him 7 or 9 times and he hits him with
a shot that rocks Funk. Funk tells him that was enough and they leave.
Battle Of The Women and Jr.'s: Major Guns and Chavo Guerrero Jr. (w/MIA)
vs. Tygress and Rey Misterio Jr. (w/FA) vs. Paisley and The Artist Jr.
Since The Artist is a follow up of The Artist Formerly Known As Prince,
he should be called Jr.
The announcers talk about Klondike Bill, who is ill and used to set up
the ring for many years.
It looks like Pops has been dropped since he wasn't with them on Nitro
or Thunder. I was excited when he came back just because it was a dead
angle that Russo started months before and it was nice to see him tie these
untied shoe laces he left behind.
Why does WCW continue to push The Artist when he basically gets no reaction
from the crowd?
This should be confusing.
Major Guns and Tygress are supposed to start but Tygress tags out to Rey.
Major Guns sticks her cleavage towards Rey and slaps him. She kicks him
in the balls and tags to Chavo.
Chavo sends Rey off the ropes and Rey ducks under.
Chavo kicks him in the stomach and executes one of the suplexes Taz does
a lot.
Chavo goes off the ropes and executes some kind of a leaping, twirling,
Rey tags in Paisley as The Artist wants no part of Chavo on the outside
of the ring.
Chavo tags out to Tygress. The Juice gets up on the apron and along with
the fans starts stamping his feet.
Tygress takes Paisley down a few times by the hair.
Paisley reverses a whip into the corner and The Artist holds Tygress by
the hair.
Paisley runs into a really weak boot shot and Tygress elbows The Artist
off the apron.
Tygress runs right into a bodyslam by Paisley which she holds onto for
like ten seconds, then drops her.
Tygress goes into the corner and Paisley misses a splash as Rey gets off
the apron for no reason.
Tygress tags to Rey and beats on Paisley, then knocks The Artist off the
He goes for the Bronco Buster but The Artist pulls her to safety. Rey luckily
jumps onto the second rope.
Not so luckily The Artist pounds him off the second rope and goes for a
side slam but Rey turns it into a headscissors takeover.
Rey tags to Chavo and he executes a flying crossbody press to him.
Big backdrop by Chavo and a nice (But not great) dropkick.
Chavo pounds on The Artist in the corner and Paisley runs into the ring
and jumps on Chavo's back.
Only 18 days till the Great American Bash! Thanks goes out to Master Lock
for that one.
The Artist jumps off the top rope with a jumping DDT onto Chavo at this
point and gets the win at around four minutes.
I feel obligated to also note that Major Guns just stood on the apron and
watched with a dumb look on her face when the three count was made.
Lance Storm runs in and executes a SWEET springboard dropkick to Rey. He
sends Chavo to the outside of the ring and The Artist goes for a punch,
but Storm blocks it and back elbows him, then hits another great (not nice,
but great) dropkick.
Lance sends him off the ropes and The Artist kicks him in the head. Lance
then nails a sweet superkick.
The Artist catches him off the ropes and executes a sloppy DVD and pounds
on him in the corner.
Lance throws him out of the corner and The Artist goes to the outside of
the ring.
Lance then does a springboard crossbody onto the Misfits and Filthy Animals.
Lance Storm escapes through the crowd.
Good match with a good interference by Lance Storm after the match.
Outside the arena Dale Torberg looks for Asya in Vampiro's coffin car.
Dale looks in it and finds an earring. He screams "Asya" and runs off to
find him.
Vampiro makes his way down to the ring.
Dale Torberg then runs out and beats on him in the aisle.
He chokes him against the ring apron and sends Vampiro into the ring.
Dale asks him where he is and Vampiro holds up the other earring.
They go face to face as Vampiro speaks.
Vampiro says that he's the only one in the world that knows where she is.
Vampiro calls him a twisted freak and says that he has the sickness.
Ebola virus?
Vampiro slouches in the corner and says that he's sick inside and how
he can't take the makeup off because of some pain.
Vampiro tells him to listen to the voices in his head and that he has to
embrace the demon.
He screams "Where is she?" and tells Dale he'll make a deal with him.
The deal is that if he wants to see her, he'll have to do everything she's
done the past few days.
Vampiro tells him to move it and not to look back at him or else he'll
never see Asya again.
They then walk off together as Dale seems very stressed.
In the back, The Cat calls Vampiro a sick dude and how he's ugly. Shane
Douglas comes in and The Cat says he shouldn't be in the office because
he has heat with Eric. Shane says he wants to help The Cat with the ratings
by having Candido/Bigelow against Bagwell. The Cat then says that he has
a great idea and it's the same match. Hah! The Cat tells Shane that he
owes him big and tells him to watch the ratings shoot up.
Outside Vampiro pushes Dale to the coffin car. Vampiro tells him to have
patience and to drive the car. Vamp says that not knowing is half the fun
and they drive off.
The announcers babble and clips are shown from Big Vito vs. Johnny The
Bull on Monday.
WCW Hardcore Title Match: The Wall vs. Big Vito
In the back The Wall asks Billy Silverman where Big Vito is.
He gets his answer in the worst way as Vito attacks him from behind with
the kendo stick.
Vito charges at him again but gets met with a big boot from The Wall.
The Wall hits his head into a dumpster.
Vito fights back by picking him up and dropping him through a table.
Vito gets down and beats on him.
Apparently, you now have to get down to the ring for the Hardcore Title
matches to end.
The Wall throws Vito into a table, not breaking it.
The Wall beats on Vito some more and they come out on the sidestage place.
The Wall wheels a big metal thing towards Vito and throws it at him.
Vito kicks The Wall in the stomach to avoid a chairshot and hits him with
the nicely placed trashcan.
In the back Terry Funk talks to Johnny The Bull about nothing.
The Wall has the advantage as we come back and drags him down to the ring.
The Wall throws him into the guardrail and throws him into the steps.
The Wall then hits him with a crutch which doesn't break. Ouch.
In the ring there are some weapons and they get into the ring.
Vito hits a back elbow and a mafia kick.
Big Vito goes off the second rope with an elbow drop.
He sets a trashcan lid onto his crotch area and grabs a baseball bat.
I guess New Jack did this to him and his partners 320 times during his
stint in ECW he's learned how to do it.
Vito then hits the baseball bat to trashcan lid as the announcers and I
wince from just seeing that happen.
Vito goes to the outside of the ring and throws a table into the ring.
Not a good idea. The Wall does have a table fetish.
Vito sets a table up as The Wall is pulling himself up.
Vito pounds on The Wall.
The Wall executes a rope whip and executes a move similar to the sidewalk
The Wall slips to the outside of the ring and sets a table up on the outside
of the ring.
It already looks prebroken.
Big Vito has a cane in his hand and The Wall puts his hands around his
throat, setting him up for the choke slam. Vito, though, hits him with
the cane.
The Wall executes a big boot and signals for him to choke slam Vito through
Vito gives him a low blow from behind and then executes a running power
bomb through the table!
Vito then covers and gets the win at around six minutes.
After the match Vito knocks The Wall out with the title belt.
Bad match with a good finish.
In the back one of the rent a cops knock on Goldberg's door. He comes out
and chokes one of them and taunts the other two and leaves without them.
Goldberg makes his way down to the ring to cheers.
That heel turn didn't work.
I really want to hear Three Count's new song.
Goldberg says that he knows Nash isn't here tonight and says that he can
probably record on his VCR.
Goldberg: So you take what I'm hearing, saying..."
Awesome screwed up this week. Now Goldberg. Thunder is evil I guess.
Goldberg says that he despised Nash and that he only hates one more guy
and that's Scott Hall.
Goldberg brings up how on December 23rd, Hall was lucky he didn't get left
in a pool of blood and how he (Goldberg) received 118 stitches.
This from when Goldberg cut up his arm on a limo.
Wasn't that the Powers That Be's limo?
Goldberg says that when Hall comes back, he's going to be the judge, jury,
and executioner.
Judge Jeff Jones used to do that in ECW with Sid. Judge (himself), Jury
(fans), Executioner (Mr. Scissors himself, Sid).
Goldberg says he just wants to kill people and that Nash is the first man
on his chopping block.
Ahhh! Violence threatening on my TV! My virgin eyes!
Goldberg says to "Fear this" and leaves.
Fear what? You need to specify what he has to fear. Does he have to fear
Doink The Clown? The WBF returning? The Yeti? It's The Yeti. I knew it!
In the back Candido and Bigelow are talking when Shane comes in. Shane
says that the Cat was running all the BS off saying he was the reason for
Nitro's ratings, and all that other stuff insulting The Cat. He asks them
to leave a little bit of Bagwell for the GAB.
In the back Goldberg and his limo leave. A white Expedition comes up and
Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash jump out of it along with Scott Steiner's
hoochie. Nash and Steiner walk away and Goldberg's window is down and he
looks at them as the limo is backing up.
Clips of the Douglas/Bagwell feud.
Buff Bagwell vs. Bam Bam Bigelow/Chris Candido
Bagwell comes down to the aisle and goes for fireworks but nothing comes
out until he's done dancing.
In the back the grown up pranksters (Shawn and Palumbo) are laughing at
him. They then ask Woody Woodpecker what he thinks.
Hah! I liked that.
I praise the lord that I don't see Tammy Lynn Sytch coming out now that
her drug tests came back positive.
Candido has a cast on his hand and wrist.
Buff and Candido start the match off and the fans were wild for a few seconds.
Candido beats on Bagwell and hits a suplex.
Candido sends him off the ropes and Buff ducks a clothesline.
Two dropkicks by Buff and a neckbreaker to Candido.
Bigelow runs in and also gets a neckbreaker.
The two retreat to the outside of the ring.
Candido gets back into the ring and tags to Bigelow.
Bigelow pounds on Buff in the corner. Buff reverses it and beats on him.
Buff sends BBB into the corner but he hits Buff with a clothesline as he
comes toward him.
Bam Bam drops a headbutt to Buff.
He mocks Bagwell and he responds to this by tripping Bigelow.
Buff goes off the ropes but meets a knee to the back by Candido.
Bigelow then hits a Samoan drop.
Heenan: "Squash."
No Heenan, this isn't WCW Saturday Night two years ago.
A little history lesson for you since I know it's summer and you all miss
history class. Two years ago on Saturday Night, a guy who's suing WCW
in the racial discrimination suit, Hardbody Harrison, got beat by Yuji Nagata, who
was managed by another guy in the lawsuit, Sonny Oono. Van Hammer beat
Reese by DQ. "Our Patron Saint" Stevie Ray beat Mike Tolbert, who is probably
the Dale Tolberg of today. And before Eddie Guerrero was a Radical he jobbed
to DDP in the main event of the one hour edition of WCWSN.
Bigelow goes for the cocky cover and only gets a two count.
Bigelow tags to Candido who beats on him and executes a reverse chinlock.
Did Candido really need to do a resthold?
The fans chant and Bagwell magically gets up but Candido knocks him down
and chokes him on the ring ropes.
Candido sets him up in the corner and then tags to Bigelow.
Bigelow whips Candido in and he splashes Bigelow. Bigelow then splashes
Buff and sends him down.
Candido and Bigelow go for a double diving headbutt but Bagwell moves out
of the way.
It should also be noted that where Candido landed was a few inches away
from where Bagwell was lying.
Bagwell pounds on the both of them and Tenay calls them 2/3 of the Triple
Threat. I never heard Shane call them that but I don't pay attention too much.
Buff goes for the 10 punches in the corner on Bigelow but Buff drops him
down and Bagwell's throat hits the ring ropes pretty hard.
Candido tries to send Bigelow into Buff REALLY SLOWLY but Buff gets a foot
Bigelow ducks the Buff Blockbuster but Candido ends up getting it.
Two count only since Bigelow made the save.
Bigelow sends Buff off the ropes and Buff catches him. He executes a double
arm DDT and goes for the pinfall.
Buff gets a two count and Candido goes to break it up with a splash but
Buff moves out of the way and he splashes his partner.
Buff clotheslines Candido and hits a sweet DDT to Bigelow.
Buff goes to the top rope to go for the Blockbuster but Shane hits him
with a lead pipe.
We cut the fans for a few seconds and Bigelow hits the Greetings From A
Not So Great Town In NJ (I've been there so I can judge it) for the
win at around five minutes, forty-five seconds.
In the back Daffney arrives to the arena and hugs David Flair. She then
slaps him. David says he did nothing wrong and she leaves. He follows her
and she tells him not to touch her.
These damn Twix commercials are getting on my nerves. Gooey, gooey, chocolate,
chewy, shut the f*** up!
Poor Vampiro. He had to show up at those damn WCW Motorsports.
In the back, Daffney tells David she saw him with Miss Hancock. David Flair
says that it was Jeff Jarrett, then Major Stash, then the new production
guy. David says that he loves her and that he's positive it wasn't her.
Daffney then cries and he hugs her.
"Positively" Kanyon makes his way down to the ring.
Kanyon: "I've come here tonight to teach all of you how to be positive."
Kanyon says he's going to do it by reading a whole chapter from his new
book, Positively Kanyon.
He says that it will soon by an audio book narrated by Earnest Baldnine
and a movie featuring Harvey Keitell.
He tells the crowd to shut up.
Kanyon: "Chapter Three. Morons, Idiots, and Buffoons. Page called me today.
I let him go on about 45 minutes on the answering machine before I picked
up the phone. He called me, he was sick and tired of dealing with Booker
T, he called Baffoon T. Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, he said. That
was pretty much all Page said through the entire conversation. But I knew
exactly what he meant. Page and I, I have a lot to read tonight, if you
don't shut up I'm going to close the book and leave. Page was telling me
that Baffoon T was stabbing him in the back. Baffoon would do everything
he could to undermine Page, and Hogan, and Sting, and Ric Flair. Page then
said "Bro, Bro." I couldn't believe my ears. Nash and Hall to? What kind
of a person was Booker T? As he would stab his best friend's in the back.
What kind of a worm was Booker T that he would meet them face to face to
meet them face to face. Isn't that what a real man would do. Then I realized..."
Booker T's music plays and he comes down to the ring minus his wrestling
No, he's not naked. He's wearing street clothes.
Booker T beats on him and then pounds on him in the corner.
Kanyon goes to the eyes and throws his head into the corner.
Kanyon throws Booker T into the corner and charges at him. Booker T gets
a boot up.
Kanyon picks up the Positively Kanyon book and ducks one of Booker's big
Kanyon then hits him with the book.
I gotta try that at school.
When someone comes towards me, just duck them, and hit them with my Math
Booker T sells it like he's unconscious.
Kanyon: "Where was I? Then I realized we were talking about Booker T. The
low life moron who wouldn't know he was walking into a trap after you told
The "after you told him" part is probably not right as Kanyon's speech
was messed up at the end.
He then rips the book apart and pulls out a brick as "Self High Five" plays.
Kanyon: "Have mercy."
Great segment. Kanyon was hilarious, Booker T coming down was nicely done,
and other things.
Daffney and David Flair are going to their car and David says he forgot
something inside and tells her to wait in the car.
He enters the production truck where the pranksters and Woody Woodpecker
are at. David asked who played the tape of him and Miss Hancock and the
pranksters point to Woody. David drags him out and shaves the top of his
head bald as Stasiak and Palumbo laugh their asses off. David and Daffney
then leave.
In the back The Cat yells at Shane for interfering in the match and says
that he needs to fire Shane Douglas. The Cat then says that if he can earn
ratings and face Kronic, he'll be able to hold onto his job.
In the production truck the pranksters are laughing and being sarcastic
to the now shaved haired production guy. They say that the look is totally
him and he leaves, really mad. The guy goes to the outside of the truck
and locks them inside the truck. Palumbo and Stasiak are really good at
this role.

YES!!! Three Count is in the ring to perform "Sing With Three Count."
I love these guys!
Shane and Shannon says that this is history in the making. Evan Karagias
then says that they'll be phatter then The Backstreet Boys and N*Sync.
The song: "Get up on your feet, put your hands together. Sing along with
Three Count. We'll party on forever. We like the Backstreet Boys, N*Sync
to. Brittany Spears is kind of cute. We watch TRL, on MTV, everybody Three
Count 1-2-3. 1, 2, 3."

They then repeat the singing and the faces in the locker room hate it.
The heels hate it.
Hah! Tank Abbott is in the back doing a little dancing to it.
I love this song.
We cut to Tank again and he's dancing some more to the song!
They keep on lip synching (a good part to the angle is that they point
out that they are) the same chorus over and over again until Kronic comes
Kronic, you evil bastards.
Kronic beats the hell out these great men and Tank is pissed in the back.
Those evil bastards continue to destroy Three Count as clark hits the Meltdown
on Shannon Moore.
Adams also executes a full nelson slam onto Shane Helms.
High Time to poor Evan Karagias.
F*** you. Kronic. I want to hear more of the song.
Adams takes the microphone and says it's past 4:20 and calls Shane out
saying he'll find out what it's liked to be smoked.
Shane Douglas vs. "Evil bastard number one" Adams vs. "Evil bastard number
two" Clark
Adams holds the ropes open for Shane.
Shane does the "I'm so smart" sign and doesn't get into the ring.
Shane walks out of the ring and behind him is Buff Bagwell.
As Shane goes "ahh, ahh," Buff throws him back in.
I didn't hear a bell so I'll just judge by when Buff threw him back in
the ring.
Kronic ducks as they send Shane off the ropes and Shane kicks them in the
Shane pounds away on them but Kronic gains the advantage.
Apparently, I heard The Cat wrong. This is a Three Way Dance.
Clark hits a urinage onto Shane.
Clothesline by Adams.
There's a full nelson slam by Adams.
Clark goes to the top rope and attempts to send Shane into the going off
the top rope Clark but Shane reversed and Adams hits Clark.
Kronic argue and push each other as Shane tells them to beat each other.
Kronic decides against it and beats on Shane instead.
Double shoulderblock by Kronic.
They hit High Time on Shane Douglas.
Adams covers for the win at a minute and thirty seconds.
Some old 50's happy music plays Shawn Stasiak and Palumbo are shown on
the screen laughing their asses off calling them meatheads.
Hah! That was nicely done.
Palumbo points out that Kronic are watching them and they try to leave
the truck but it's locked.
Bad match, good after match stuff.
When we come back Woody unlocks the production truck and "Those evil bastards"
Kronic pound on the pranksters.
We then cut to where Dale and Vampiro are arriving at a cemetery. Dale
pushed him, wanting to know where Asya is. Vampiro says that she's in a
coffin and Dale jumps into a grave and open the coffin. What does he discover?
A dead body! No, actually, it's just pillows. And just like in an 80's
horror movie, Vampiro hits him in the head with a shovel and walks away.
We cut to the announcers and back to there where Vampiro brings Asya to
Dale and tells her to tell him that he'll be waiting for him and his pal.
Vampiro drives off as Asya damn nears breaks my ear drums by screaming
for help.
In the back Jeff Jarrett and Mike Awesome are WALKING!
Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, and the hoochie are WALKING!
Jeff Jarrett and Mike Awesome vs. Scott Steiner (w/hoochie) and Kevin Nash
Separate entrances for both men.
The Cat makes his way down to the ring and dances. He then comes to the
announce booth.
Why don't they take that US Title off of Scott Steiner? It's useless around
his waist. Hopefully Awesome will win it at the GAB.
Nash and Steiner also get separate entrances.
In the announcing booth The Cat and Heenan are laughing at each other's
Steiner and Jarrett start off.
Jarrett gains the advantage and pounds on him.
Jarrett goes to send him into the corner but Steiner puts the brakes
Scott knees him in the stomach and hits on him in the corner.
Steiner sends him off the ropes and executes a tilt-a-whirl slam.
Scott taunts Jarrett while doing pushups.
Scott tags out to Big Lazy and he pounds on Jarrett.
Nash sends Jarrett into the corner and Jarrett jumps up.
Nash catches him and brings him across the ring where Jarrett is able to
slip out.
Jarrett pounds on him some more and jumps from the second rope.
Nash catches him and hits a nice chokeslam for the two count.
I just complimented Nash's wrestling ability. It's way to late in the night.
Nash boot chokes Jarrett and Mike Awesome grabs Nash and beats on him.
Mike Awesome goes off the top rope with a great clothesline for a two count.
Nash reverses the whip into the corner and executes a clothesline.
Tag out to Scott Steiner who throws Steiner's head into the corner.
Steiner gets sent into the ropes and Jarrett puts a knee to the back.
Awesome then picks him up and drops him throat first onto the top rope.
Awesome picks him up and drops him again.
Awesome hooks the legs and does the pin that I don't know the name of for
a two count.

Jarrett is tagged in and chokes him on the ropes.
Jeff goes to drop a leg on him but Steiner moves out of the way.
Awesome is ready for it and drops Steiner's throat on the ropes.
Steiner ducks a double clothesline and as Nash holds Awesome, Steiner gives
a Steinerline to Jarrett.
It's a slobberknocker!
Nash and Awesome brawl on the outside of the ring.
Big powerslam by Nash.
Scott follows it up with a double underhook suplex pin for the win at
around five minutes.
Scott executes the Steiner Recliner to Jarrett and The Cat runs in.
Nash takes The Cat out.
Awesome then runs and knocks Nash down to the floor.
He then hits Steiner with the US belt, getting him off of Jarrett
Awesome hits a release German suplex that he purposely had him land on
his lower back.
Steiner is able to have a comeback and hits a belly-to-belly suplex.
Scott brings Mike to the to rope but Jarrett jumps him.
Big Awesome Splash by you should know who.
Jarrett hits Scott with the belt.
The Cat runs into the ring and stomps of Steiner with the bad guys.
Big Lazy runs into the ring and takes out all three of them.
They retreat and Goldberg comes out with Scott Hall's contract. He says
he'll do it on his time and the show is done with.
The Good: Pretty damn good show! Three Count debuted their new single,
Palumbo/Stasiak were hilarious, Kanyon was very good tonight, the mixed
tag match was done nicely. It's also 5:55 AM when I'm done with this and
you know what that means? Howard Stern's on in five minutes.
The Bad: My friend couldn't make it this week and he'll be joining
us next week. Some of the matches sucked even with the good after match
stuff added.
The Ugly: WCW = Men with no shirts.