WCW Thunder - July 5th, 2000
Before I start my report I want to throw out a plug to one of my favourite
web sites. Check out Wheezer's©
Slayground. You're probably asking what happened to Xavier Doom. Who's
Xavier Doom?
Check out The True Wrestling Move
Digest. It won't teach you anything,
but it must be good for something.
To start the show off with we have clips from Nitro.
"Earlier Today" Jeff Jarrett tells The Cat that if he wants ratings, then
he should let him retire Hogan's ass tonight. Jarrett calls The Cat a nothing
and The Cat argues with him some more, then tells him he's going to put
him on the show.
Tony opens up the show with "WCW is out control and we like it like that."
We then hear the Chosen One's music and he makes his way down to the ring.
Jarrett makes his way down to the ring, guitar in hand.
Jarrett's music always reminds me of how much of a hack Kid Rock is.
Jarrett: "I am the Chosen One."
Like we haven't heard that 300 times in the past month.
Jarrett talks about knocking S&P out and how things have changed since
that incident.
When he got to the arena he was told that they didn't have time for him
on television tonight.
Jarrett says that he made sure he was able to get on TV.
Jarrett says that he's going to retire Hogan tonight.
The Cat's music interrupts Jarrett and Cat makes his way out.
The Cat tells Jarrett not to run his damn mouth.
The Cat then tells him that Jarrett is going to wrestling tonight.
The Cat talks about being the greatest commissioner of all time and then
says that for the ratings, he's going to put on a karate demonstration
The Cat says that he's going to find the meanest, toughest guys tonight
and bring them in the ring for the demonstration.
To kill two birds with one stone, he's going to book a tag team match with
Booker T and Buff Bagwell against Kanyon and Shane Douglas.
Did I call that or what?
Jarrett tells him to get to the Chosen One and the person who gains the
pinfall will face Jarrett for the title in the main event.
If WCW has Bagwell win...
The Cat says that he's going to call Hogan and say that Jarrett might not
be the champion anymore after tonight.
Jarrett argues, but The Cat hits his music and leaves.
The announcers babble about tonight's matches.
Apparently there's a tanning salon in the arena. As Stasiak and Palumbo,
singing some songs, get into the tanning beds, Woody locks them in the
beds. Woody then turns the power all the way up to eleven. That was pretty
When we come back from break Jarrett abuses a poor table and walks away
saying that he wants Hogan tonight. Chris Kanyon then runs by and gives
a crew member a Kanyon Cutter! "Bang!" From the distance you can hear Jarrett
say, "Knock that crap off, Kanyon."
Four Corners Match: Disco Inferno vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Lance Storm
vs. Billy Kidman
Behind that multicoloured thing Disco and Rey throw punches at each other.
WCW messed up again. What else is new? Tygress isn't with them, yet her
name is there on the box.

The two shake hands when they get into the ring.

Lance Storm makes his way down to the ring and The FA (Disco and Rey) jump
Disco sends Lance off the ropes and drop toe holds him.
Rey then drops a leg on him.
After they beat on Lance a little bit more, Kidman's music plays and he
runs down to the ring and clears the ring of Disco and Rey.
The bell sounds and this is the official beginning of the match.
Lance and Kidman will have to face off in the ring.
Kidman is able to duck over Lance Storm and hits a nice frankensteiner.
Kidman sends him off the ropes and Lance goes under him.
Lance back elbows him, then goes for a power bomb but Kidman goes down
with a sunset flip for a two count.
Storm immediately puts his head where it's not supposed to be and gains
a two count from that.
Kidman flips him over and gets a two count.
Lance flips him over and gets a two count.
Kidman flips over and gets a one count.
Lance Storm then does a jackknife pin and gains a two count.
Kidman bridges out and then backslides him over for a two count.
Damn, this is going by quicker then chicken wings in Rosie O' Donnell's
Kidman ducks a lariat and does a go behind on Storm.
Lance does a standing switch and Kidman back elbows him to get out of it.
Kidman goes off the ropes and Rey knocks him in the head.
As Kidman hits Rey, Disco runs in and knocks Lance into Kidman.
Rey hits Kidman's back and that tags him in.
Rey goes off the ropes and executes a dropkick to Lance Storm.
Rey tags to the DI and he sends Lance into Rey, who elbows him in the chest.
Disco hits a Russian legsweep on Storm.
Disco holds Lance's legs open and Kidman goes off with a legdrop to the
lower area.
Disco hits an atomic drop and Rey comes in and goes for the Bronco Buster.
Lance puts his foot up and hits Rey right in the lower area.
Disco Inferno gets tagged in. Disco comes in and checks on Rey.
Rey pushed him away, mad since Lance Storm kicked him in the crotch. Rey then
rolls Disco up for a two count.
Disco pushes Rey. They then apologize and shake hands.
Rey shows how nice of a young man he is as he kicks Disco in the stomach
and then drops him with a DDT.
Rey goes to the outside of the ring for a springboard move but Lance Storm
tags in.
Lance then does a springboard clothesline for a two count when Rey comes
in and hits a dropkick to the head.
Rey has made himself the legal man in this match.
Lance sends Rey off the match but Rey flips himself back into the ring.
Rey backdrops Lance to the ring apron.
Rey pounds on him and sets him up, hanging over the second rope.
Rey then goes off the top rope with a legdrop.
Rey goes for the pinfall but Kidman runs in and breaks it up.
Kidman sends Rey into the corner. Rey ducks a clothesline but Kidman sets
him up on the top rope.
Rey punches him off and jumps off, going for a frankensteiner, but Kidman
reveres it into a power bomb. Kidman goes for the pin.
Disco makes the save and piledrives Kidman. Disco goes for the pin but
Lance breaks it up.
Damn, this sure is quick.
Come to think of it, this match is so quick, it makes the short lived cartoon
series Clerks seem like it cut off after three seasons.
Rey baseball slides Kidman out of the ring and follows to the floor.
In the ring Lance sends Disco into the corner. Lance runs in and Disco
is able to get an elbow up.
Disco runs right into Lance Storm who drops down with the rolling half
Boston Crab and Disco taps out for the win at about four minutes, ten seconds.
Kidman ran into the ring right when Lance got the pinfall, then stopped.
As Lance celebrates in the ring, Kidman walks away.
Backstage, the rassler himself Gene Okerlund talks to Buff Bagwell and Booker
T. Booker has some new black and white tights. Buff babbles about being
the one going into the Bash as the champion. Buff wished Booker good luck,
then leaves.
Booker says that he decided to write his own book called "'Positively
Kanyon's Greatest Moments'. Does he have any? I think not. You think not,
but I think so. Chapter One is entitled 'Kanyon Sucks,' Chapter two is
entitled 'Kanyon Still Sucks', Chapter Three is entitled 'Kanyon Sucks
Again', and let's not forget Chapter Four which is called 'Kanyon Craps
His Pants Like A Little Baby'."
That was kind of lame.
Backstage, Danny Young helps Stasiak and Palumbo out of the tanning beds.
They both look pretty red. Palumbo is calling for his mommy from the tanning
bed. Stasiak asks who did that to them and Danny rats out Woody. Stasiak
then leaves to find them.
Karate Demonstration: The Cat and the Jung Dragons
The Cat takes the microphone and says he's going to demonstrate just how
bad he is and that he's going to call out some mean guys.
The Jung Dragons then make their way down to the ring.
The Cat says their going to do it nice and slow but the Jung Dragons jump
Jamisan throws The Cat into the ropes and Kaz hits a spin kick.
Yang snap mares him and Kaz hits a front kick to The Cat.
Jamisan then goes off the second rope with a guillotine legdrop.
Kaz and Jamisan send The Cat into Yang but The Cat rolls to the outside
of the ring.
The Cat takes the microphone and asks the what's wrong with them.
The Cat tells them to show him respect and then gets into the ring.
The three of them bow to The Cat and The Cat responds by kicking all three
of them
The Cat blocks Yang's thrusts to the stomach then knocks him down with
a shot to the head.
When he turns around he's met by a missle dropkick from Jamisan.
Yang holds The Cat but he's able to escape and he kicks Jamisan, then trips
Kaz sends The Cat of the ropes and picks him up high. When goes down The
Cat hooks him in the groin claw and throws him over the top rope!
Yang kicks The Cat into the corner and then flips off of him.
The Cat then nails him with a standing sidekick and throws him to the outside
of the ring.
All three of them are outside of the ring.
The Cat then takes the microphone and tells them that the match is over
with and to get into the ring.
When they get into the ring The Cat tells the crowd to cheer them on and
taunts a fan like he says looks like Mike Tyson.
The Cat's music then hits and he dances as The Jung Dragons look on.
The match was good but the concept was stupid. It was just The Cat and
The Jung Dragons beating each other up.
In the production truck, Stasiak and Palumbo fight Woody and tell him that
they're going to drag him down to the ring tonight. Palumbo looks really
red. Woody says that he's going to bring an army with him down to the ring.
In the back The Cat tells the Jung Dragons he hasn't had that much fun
in a long time. The Cat then gives them tons of cash and walks away happy.

WCW Hardcore Title Match: Big Vito vs. The Demon
In the back, Big Vito finds The Demon's casket and whacks it with his stick.
The Demon jumps Vito from behind.
Vito throws The Demon into a wall.
Vito brings him into somewhere dark and throws him into a steel door.
Big Vito then hits him with a trashcan.
Vito brings Demon out the aisle and bangs his head into something on the set.
Vito continues to pound on The Demon and then throws him into the ring.
Uhmm... Why does Johnny The Bull have a title belt around his waist?
In the ring there are some weapons.
Vito pounds on the Demon in the corner and then sets the trashcan lid on
his crotch and was about to hit the cane into it, but then just kicks it
Hardcore matches like this really suck.
Vito sets up a a piece of plywood and sets it up in the corner.
This is S-L-O-W.
Vito pounds on him and goes to throw him into the corner but The Demon
stops him and bangs Vito's head into it, breaking the wood.
The Demon hits a butterfly suplex and hits a second rope elbow.
Two count only.
The Demon sends Vito off the ropes and hits a back elbow onto him for a
two count.
Vampiro is lurking down the aisle right now.
Vito has gained the advantage at this point and misses a chairshot. The
Demon then dropkicks the chair. And the chair didn't even hit Big Vito
when he dropkicked it. It just sailed under his arms.
The Demon gets into the ring and breaks a shovel over The Demon's back.
Vampiro leaves the ring with Vito confused.
Vito then rolls him over and gets the pinfall at around five minutes.
Vampiro has a microphone now and gets into the ring.
Vampiro stands over The Demon and tells him that tonight he let him live,
but Sunday night, it's done.
The match sucked, the aftermatch, nicely done.
In the back, Gene Okerlund talks to Mike Awesome about his match tonight
with Rick Steiner. Awesome calls him senile since he defeated Steiner on
Monday. Awesome tells them to roll the tape and it shows Scott Steiner
walking around the ring, not getting in to face Mike Awesome. Obviously,
the tape has been changed. Awesome then says that later he's going to beat
up on Rick Steiner. Awesome walks away. Gene: "What a freaking mullock."
Awesome: "Hey, I heard that. I'm not mullock." Gene gets a freaked look
on his face, then we go to break.
In the back Shane Douglas and Kanyon argue about who's going to get the
pinfall in the match. Shane walks away and Kanyon goes to hit the Kanyon
Cutter, but Shane asks what the hell he's doing and Kanyon just says nothing
and turns away. Hah!
The Perfect Event make their way down to the ring.
Jesus! They're really red. Looks like they really took one for the team
and got badly sunburned.

Stasiak calls out Woody and then Plaumbo pats him on the back, which causes
Stasiak pain.
Some Texan music plays and Woody makes his way down to the ring. He then
takes his shirt off to reveal what we all thought all along. He's a skinny
white kid.

Heenan: "Somebody feed him."
I bet you he'll just hit their sunburn, causing them a lot of pain.
Woody does a couple poses that really makes his look stupid.
Woody takes the microphone and says it's 4:19, then Brian Clark makes his
way down to the ring.
PefectEvent vs. Brian Adams and Woody
Stasiak and Palumbo pound on Brian Adams for the first fifteen seconds
of the match
The two of them send Brian Adams off the ropes but he does a duck under
and Adams then puts a beating on them.
Woody slaps Palumbo's back and then Adams powerslams Stasiak right onto
Ouch! And remember, they're sunburn.
Adams throws Palumbo out of the ring and then hits Stasiak with a big boot.
The announcers make note of the fact that they wore the tag belts into
the tanning booth, so they have a part of their stomach which isn't tanned.
Clark goes for a chokeslam but Palumbo clips his knee.
Tony: "We want Wood."
Not going to even comment on that one.
Stasiak and Palumbo go for a double suplex but Woody runs in and slaps
the both of them on the back!
Adams chops the both of them as Woody slaps their backs some more.
Adams goes off the ropes and hits a hard punch to the head on Stasiak.
Adams executes a full nelson slam to Palumbo. He then throws him to the
outside of the ring.
Woody then comes into the ring and assists the High Time on Stasiak (AKA
Adams did everything and Woody just standed there).
Woody then covers for the win at around two and a half minutes.

I actually though this match was pretty humorous. The match itself wrestling
wise sucked, but it was funny.
In the back, Big Vito hits Terry Funk with that belt he's wearing and then
hits him with the stick as we go to commercial.
In the back Big Vito is doing something that no other WCW star does. He's
Winner receives World Title shot later on in the night: "Positively" Kanyon
and Shane Douglas vs. Buff Bagwell and Booker T
Booker T is back to wearing his white tights.
As Booker and Buff argue over who starts the match off Kanyon shoves Booker
from behind.
Both Buff and Booker pound on Kanyon.
In the back, Jarrett is watching the match.
Double suplex by Booker and Buff.
Booker T pounds on Kanyon in the corner as Buff leaves the ring.
Kanyon reverses Booker into the corner but runs into a boot.
Booker hits a big Harlem Sidekick.
Booker then nails him with the axekick to the back of the head.
Kanyon goes to tag Shane Douglas, but Shane drops the outside of the ring.
Kanyon gouges Booker T's eyes and as Kanyon gets sent off the ropes by
Booker, Buff tags in.
Buff crossbodies Kanyon and gets a two count.
Buff sends Kanyon into the ropes and drops him down with a DDT.
Kanyon sends Buff off the ropes and Shane knocks Buff in the back. Buff
goes to hit Shane but Shane jumps off the apron and this allows Kanyon
to catch Booker T in a Russian Legsweep.
Shane Douglas refused to tag in once again.
Buff then rolls him up and gets a two count.
Buff sends Kanyon off the ropes and Kanyon is able to hit a swinging neckbreaker.
Kanyon, as he's going to tag in Shane: "Tag me baby. Tag me."
Kanyon flicks Shane off at the ropes and goes back to choking Buff.
Kanyon sends Buff into the corner but gets elbowed as he runs in.
Buff hits the move Vader used to use as a finishing move that Tony calls
a 263.
Buff gives the sign for the Buff Blockbuster and hits it.
Buff goes for the pin but Shane runs in, attacks Bagwell, and sends him
to the outside of the ring.
Booker T then comes into the ring and executes Booking (Rock Bottom) for
the win at around four minutes.
I should also note that the damn sound guy started Booker's music a second
before the three was counted.
Booker T then does some facial expressions that shows he's been watching
tapes of our Patron Saint

Buff shakes Booker's hand and raises the roof.
In the back The MIA are laying down and Rection gives out their mission
for tonight. It'll be Loco and Major Gunns taking on The Juice and Tygress.
Lucky me, maybe we'll see the match end with a bodyslam again!

In the back Crowbar arrives, showing hurt from being Awesome Bombed on
Monday. Daffney, with a red wig on, and a shirt that says "Step-Child."
Red headed step child. Get it?

In Rick Steiner's locker room, Mike Awesome takes Rick's glasses and sprays
what appears to be pepper spray on them. Mike then puts them back in the
case and leaves. Nice.
Mixed Tag Match: Lieutenant Loco and Major Gunns (w/a very nice ass) vs.
The Juice and Tygress (w/a really bad "hood" voice)
This Sunday at the PPV The Juice will get his shot at the Cruiserweight
You know, I'd usually call Loco by his new name, but I just can't learn
to spell Lieutenant. So I'm going to call him Chavo.
Chavo has a bandage on his face.
Juvi ducks under a clothesline, then steps Chavo, then Chavo does a leapfrog,
then Loco rolls, then The Juice does a spinning headscissors.
Jeez, that was fast.
Chavo hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
The Juice sends him into the corner and misses a splash.
Chavo then executes an atomic drop and Major Gunns slaps him.
Another tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Chavo and The Juice quickly tags out
to Tygress.
Chavo tags out to Major Gunns and she makes her way into the ring to a
large chorus of cheers.
Tygress then tags out to The Juice and this receives a large chorus of
Major Gunns shows The Juice some cleavage and goes to kick him in the crotch
but Juvi catches her foot. Second time's a charm though and Gunns kicks
him right in the jimmy.
Juice tags to Tygress.
Chavo and The Juice are in the ring cheering on the catfight.
The two begin a catfight and the guys pulls them apart, then begin it again.
Major Gunns slams Tygress.
Hey, you know in WCW women's wrestling, that's a finishing move.
The Juice goes to slam Major Gunns but Loco hits an inverted DDT where
he picks him up in the air with it and drops down with it.
Tygress trips Major Gunns and then fights with her some more.
Chavo pulls her off and checks on Major Gunns.
Behind the blind ref's back, The Juice hits Chavo with the Cruiserweight
Belt and scores the pinfall at around three and a half minutes.
For the kind of match it was, it was pretty damn good.
After celebrating The Juice steals the Cruiserweight Belt.
In the back that moron Rick Steiner puts his classes on and does a four
star selling job. "Coach, Coach..." (the wrestlers' nickname for trainer Danny Young) he yells as we go to break.
Holy crap. The NWA NJ really put out all the stops for their Wildwood events
during the summer. The Wall, Crowbar, 911, Big Dick Dudley, The Equalizer,
Nicole Bass, Chris Candido, Tammy (She's evil), Sherri Martel, Jimmy Snuka,
King Kong Bundy, and the best of all, "Elephant Man" which is really Elephant
Boy but I guess it's copyrighted.
In the back Gene Okerlund talks to Booker T. Booker says he never thought
he'd be in the ring for the World Title tonight. Booker then says that
it's pure business to beat up Kanyon but it's pleasure to kick Jarrett's
ass and win the World Title.
A long Vampiro/Demon promo airs and then the announcers say that Rick Steiner
is getting medical attention from Danny Young.
Goddamn it. Another one of these interviews. This time in the home of
Jim Duggan.
Tenay is with Jim and Debra Duggan.
Duggan says that physically he's okay since he got a couple cracked ribs
and some internal bleeding.
Duggan says that a man has to do what a man has to do and that he's not
a walk in the park when you wrestle him.
Remember when he used to squash Roadblock and Rick Fuller all the time?
Duggan says that there are a lot of good people in the world and that he'll
be in WCW when Russo leaves.
Jim says that the fans are the ones that make everything possible and how
they helped him through the hardest times in his life, the cancer time.
"You haven't seen the last of Hacksaw Jim Duggan."
Let's just hope it's after I stop doing the Thunder report.
We then go to break.
In the back, Crowbar is searching for David Flair. Crowbar finds the locker
room and jumps David Flair as Miss Hancock hides in the background. Hancock
follows with a big pipe or something.
Gene Okerlund is interviewing Jeff Jarrett. Jeff calls Gene "Jurassic Slapass"
and says how he misses his stupid little remarks. The crowd pops really
largely in the arena for some reason. Jarrett says that The Cat got himself
into something that he can't get out of.
In the back Rick Steiner was getting checked on by Danny Young when he
left saying that he knew who did this to him.
Crowbar vs. David Flair
Crowbar throws David Flair down the aisle and into the ring.
Apparently, we have an impromptu match.
Crowbar covers him right when he throws him into the ring and gains a two
Crowbar throws Flair off the ropes and backdrops him.
Crowbar climbs the top rope.
David pushes the ref into the ropes, crotching Crowbar.
David Flair actually hits a nice superplex onto Crowbar.
I'm surprises that this kid has come this far along in a year. A year ago
he sucked really badly. Now he's progressed to the level of Greg Gagne.
Wait, that's sucked really badly. Lets go to the Erik Watts when he was
in the Tekno Team 2000.
David executes the Figure Four Leglock and Miss Hancock makes her way down
to the ring with the pipe.
She gives David some leverage by using the pipe.
The ref sees it after a few seconds and makes David break the hold.
Crowbar rolls up an irate David Flair for a two count.
Crowbar pushes the ref and the ref pushes him right over David and he gets
the three count.
As Crowbar chokes David, Miss Hancock comes into the ring with the pipe.
Hancock distracts the ref and allows David to low blow Crowbar.
Daffney comes down to the ring and the ladies have a tug of war for the
Daffney lets go of the pipe and sends Hancock falling.
Hancock takes off her jacket and approaches Daffney.
Daffney has a hair buzzer and chases after Hancock with it.
Daffney pushes David Flair off of her.
Hancock rolls to the outside of the ring and Daffney follows as Crowbar
picks the lead pipe up.
Crowbar nails him with the pipe and then executes the Mind Bender for
the win at around two and a half minutes.
Crowbar holds onto David Flair and David Penzer holds the microphone to
Crowbar calls Daffney down to the ring and tells David he's going to ask
him two questions and if he doesn't answer, he'll hurt him.
Crowbar asks him who shaved Daffney's head on Monday and David says that
she (Hancock) made him to do it and that it was him.
The facial expressions on the ladies are priceless.

Crowbar then has David admit that he's been screwing around as Hancock
walks away.
Crowbar was about to hit David Flair with the pipe but Daffney just slaps
David and runs away.
Crowbar says over the microphone that he only wanted her to hear the truth
and then runs after her.
Very nicely written segment.
We then cut to the ring where David Flair is crawling down to the ring.
In the back Miss Hancock is with Danny Young and she's saying she's injured.
She tells him to put her hand higher up her leg and David runs in and tells
him not to touch her leg. Young says that she said she was injured but
Hancock denies it. David then attacks Young and shaves his head.
Rick Steiner vs. Mike Awesome
The match starts off with both wrestlers pounding on each other.
This surely is a slobberknocker!
Awesome sends Rick into the corner and then clotheslines him.
Awesome slams Rick.
Big splash by Awesome for a two count.
Steiner ducks a clothesline and Awesome goes for a leapfrog but Steiner
catches him and drops back.
Steiner hits a belly-to-belly and gets a two count.
Awesome throws Rick to the outside of the ring and then sends him into
the guardrail.
Awesome pulls a table out from under the ring and throws it into the ring.
Awesome goes into the ring and sets it up in the corner.
Mike goes for the Awesome Bomb but Steiner slips out of it and sends Awesome
through the table.
Rick grabs a chair and goes to hit Awesome with it, but the ref takes it
When the ref's back is turned Awesome sprays the substance in Steiner's
eyes and gains the pinfall at around two and a half minutes.
Outside the ring, Rick Steiner is wiping his eyes with his shirt.
Awesome really should have hit an Awesome Bomb or something to Steiner
to make the win seem more believable.
But regardless this match sure was a slobberknocker.
In the back Booker and Jarrett are doing the usual.
WCW Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T
Yes, yes, yes. No, no, no.
This should be a damn good match.
The two of them circle around each other for the start of the match.
They reverse holds until Booker goes off the ropes with a shoulderblock.
Jarrett eye gouges Booker T.
Booker T reverses a whip off the ropes but The Chosen One shoulderblocks
Jarrett goes off the ropes and gets hit with a dropkick from Booker T.
Booker then clotheslines Jarrett to the outside of the ring.
Double axhandle from the apron to the outside of the ring.
Booker throws him onto the announce table, then throws him back into the
Jarrett reverses a whip and executes a sleeperhold.
Booker T is able to turn it around into a headlock but Jarrett picks him
up and drops him on his knee
Jarrett executes the Figure Four Leglock on him and keeps it in for 45
seconds until Booker T reaches the ropes.
Booker T ducks a clothesline and both clothesline each other.
Booker T hits him with flurry of punches then hits the axekick.
Jarrett runs into Booker who executes a move that I'd know the name of
if I wasn't dead tired right now for a two count.
Booker T misses a spin kick but Jarrett ducks and Booker T gets crotched,
then falls to the outside of the ring.
As Jarrett distracts the ref Kanyon runs down and delivers a Kanyon Cutter
to Booker T. Kanyon sends Booker T back into the ring as Kanyon hides.
Jarrett then covers and gets the pinfall at around five minutes.
The Cat makes his way down to the ring and says that there's no interference
in his matches and to get away from the ringside area.
The Cat (to Kanyon): "Don't even think about it."
The Cat tells the ref to restart the damn match.
I'll restart it at the five minutes that the original match had.
Jarrett argues with The Cat in the aisle and Booker jumps in the aisle.
The Cat actually throws Jarrett back into the ring.
As Jarrett argues with The Cat, Booker rolls him up for a two count.
Jarrett goes for a sunset flip but Booker drops down on him and gets a
two count.
Booker sends Jarrett into the ropes and runs into a boot by Jarrett.
Jarrett goes towards Booker T though and gets met by a powerslam.
Booker makes the sign for the Missle Dropkick and nails it!
What Booker T goes for the win he accidentally drapes Jarrett's foot on
the second rope.
Heenan: "Dummy."
Booker goes to throw Jarrett's head into the corner but Jarrett does it
to him.
Jarrett clotheslines Charles Robinson by accident.
Booker T hits the Booking on Jeff Jarrett and he counts the three count
On the outside of the ring, The Cat is taking the ref's shirt off and in
the ring Booker T hit the Harlem Sidekick.
The Cat jumps into the ring and only gets a two count.
Booker sends Jarrett off the ropes where Jarrett hits him with an uppercut.
Jarrett backdrops Booker T to the outside of the ring.
Jarrett grabs the guitar and when The Cat tries to take it away from Jarrett,
he gets whacked with the guitar.
Jarrett takes his belt and runs off with.
Two other referees run down to the ring and declare Booker T the winner
by relaxed disqualification at around seven minutes and forty-five seconds.
Say what you want about there being a disqualification ending in this match
how the match was screwjobed or whatever. But the simple fact is that after
the PPV, this leaves Booker T open to be a main eventer.
I'd usually do a Good/Bad/Ugly but it's 5:15 AM right now and I'm kind
of tired. Everything tonight was good besides the Hardcore Match. See yah
next week.