WCW Worldwide - Saturday, 8/19/00
- A couple Worldwide-related things came out this week.
- I've found out that Dave Penzer (the WCW Ring
Announcer) is apparently the guy in charge of
setting up the matches on Worldwide.
- So, if this gets to him, thanks for that
really cool Skipper/Kidman match.
- But, PLEASE, keep Shane off the mic. And
out of the ring.
- Penzer's not going be doing it for much longer.
- With upcoming taping shifts, Worldwide will cease
having exclusives matches sometime in October.
- That'll suck.
- But I'm going keep doing this until I
don't anymore.
- Bobby and Scott talk about the upcoming matches
- Vito vs the Artist
- Filthy Animals vs Jung Dragons
- They talk a bit about New Blood rising, and then send it
to Tony and Mike.
- They repeat the above, and send it to Mean Gene
- Mean Gene talks to Vito
- Vito doesn't have a problem with the Artist, and
he wants to become more of a wrestler.
- The studio announcers hype the Booker T/Lance Storm match
as a classic
- Hudson says it's one that every fan will keep a
tape off.
- Back to Nitro
- The start of the match
- Lance tries the Canadian Maple Leaf
- Booker hits the Harlem Sidekick, but
that's not good enough
- Booker hits the BookEnd and gets the win
- The 20 seconds we saw sure
convinced me that it was a
classic match
- Jarrett assaults Booker T...
- And Mike Awesome's woman.
- Scott and Bobby announce Booker T's worsening
health condition...
- Bobby has some footage he wants to show after the
- Bobby's a nice guy. He has footage.
- Unfortunately, it's of Buff Bagwell/Gene
Okerlund vs Kanyon/Mark Madden
- There are clips, but I don't want to talk about
- Bobby cracks up about both the non-wrestlers in
the match.
- He wants to see it again, but Scott saves us from
it, by going to..
- It's time for AskWCW.com
- Hilarity ensues when Hudson can't get his (fake)
laptop to work.
- He finally realizes that he just needs to
turn the power on.
- The question:

- Major Gunns: "Well Kevin, to tell the truth,
no, I never really thought I would be here in WCW.
I thought I'd be just an average girl, staying at
home, having children, having a family. But
instead, I get out to live my dream. And I'm here
with big guys, like Booker T, M.I.A, and I get to
be the star and be Major Gunns!"
- Not to be rude, but if she didn't think she'd be
in WCW, how is she living out her dream?
- Mike Rapada vs M.I. Smooth
- Tenay: "To my knowledge, M.I. Smooth is
undefeated in WCW."

- Lockup, Smooth controls, and brushes off his
- Lockup, Smooth with punch, chop, chop, punch,
punch, ref warns about the closed fist.
- Rapada with a series of punches, suplex is
blocked, Smooth hits a snap suplex, chained into
another for a cover. 2 count.
- Smooth with a fallaway slam.
- Smooth charges into the corner where Rapada is
now resting, but eats boot.
- Repeat.
- Rapada with a clothesline, Smooth doesn't go
- Rapada tries again, but get a powerslam.
- Smooth with a running splash, but refuses to
- Smooth with a sitdown splash on Rapada's chest,
but Smooth again doesn't cover.
- Smooth with a corner charge, but Rapada moves.
- Rapada with right, right, right, right, right,
right, whip, hiptoss, big slam.
- Rapada with a whip, dropkick misses as Smooth
holds the ropes.
- Smooth picks up Rapada, and drops him with a Full
Nelson Atomic Drop
- Your Winner: (Smooth 2:45)
- NWA North American Champion "Wildcat" Chris
Harris vs Sean Stasiak (w/Chuck Palumbo and LexFlexer)
- I'm guessing this is a non-title match.

- The announcers spend a great deal of time putting
Harris over before the match.
- Lockup, to the corner, Sean with a clean break,
surprising everyone.
- I guess he also knows that Harris has
recently joined the dark side of the
force, and is giving him a welcome in to
the land of heelness.
- Or it just happened that way.
- Palumbo joins the announcers.
- Harris with a shove, Sean with a punch that
misses, Harris with a punch, punch, punch, whip,
reversed, but Harris reverses the hiptoss into
one of his own.
- Harris with a dropkick, punch, punch, punch,
corner whip, charge into a boot, Sean out into a
drop toe hold.
- Harris off the ropes, right into a clothesline.
- Sean with stomps, then chokes Harris on the ropes.
- Sean with a corner whip, charge into a boot.
- Palumbo scares the heck out of me by
knowing Harris's nickname.
- Maybe he watches NWA Worldwide too.
- Chris with punches in bunches, whip, reversed,
Sean with a jumping back elbow.
- Sean with a stomp, pick up.
- Chris fights back with more punches, corner whip,
reverses, Sean lands a clothesline and pulls him
out with a bulldog.
- Cover, 2 count.
- Sean with a chin lock, 2 minutes into this long
- I was okay with this match till then.
- You can see Sean calling spots in the
- Chris elbows out, then hits punches, off the
ropes, go behind by Harris, Sean to the ropes,
Chris with a rollup for 2.
- Chris' followup clothesline misses, Sean with a
reverse neckbreaker, cover, 2 count.
- Sean with stomps, whip, Chris with a flying
- Both slow to their feet, Sean misses a punch,
Chris hits and whips, kick to the midsection
and a swinging neckbreaker.
- Chris with a whip, backdrop, cover, 2 count.
- Chris with a corner whip, Sean (slowly) rebounds
out into a suplex, but Sean floats behind.
- Sean hits a gutwrench powerbomb, and that's good
enough for 3.
- New Finisher? That's odd.
- Your Winner: Sean Stasiak (4:04)
- The Filthy Animals (Disco Inferno, Rey Mysterio Jr. and
Juventud Guerrera) (w/Tygress and Konnan) vs the Jung
- "Wazzup!" and "There's no action
like Juice action!" all the normal stuff.
- I 've just realized that I don't "got
it like that."
- Rey's still got the horns and goatee going.
- Jamie's left elbow is wrapped up heavily and he's
wearing an elbow pad on top.
- Rey and Jamie start, while Konnan joins the
- Lockup, which has a whole bunch of reversals,
ending with Jamie getting hiptossed.
- Jamie off the ropes, Rey goes for a 'rana, but
gets powerbombed. Cover, 2 count.
- Jamie with a kick, corner whip, charge in, Rey
connects with a boot to the face, and slides
behind Jamie.
- Rey with a waistlock, Jamie reverses, Rey
reverses, Jamie reverses again, gets a boot, snap
suplex, chained into a Northern Lights Suplex. 2
- Tag to Kaz, Jamie puts on an armbar, and Kaz
comes off the top with a axehandle.
- Kaz with a punch, whip, Rey slides under and tags
- Juvy immediately hits a flying headscissors, and
then the, um, seventeen punches in the corner
with a little shake at the end.
- Juvy's a little hyper or something.
- Konnan calls it the "Juvy Shake"
- Corner whip by Juvy, but the Juvy Splash misses.
- Kaz charges into the corner, but he gets a boot.
- Juvy charges out, and gets a 'rana
- Kaz up to the top, flying cross body is rolled
- Kaz quickly up with a German suplex, but Juvy
lands on his feet.
- Juvy with a inverted powerslam
- Think Faarooq's Dominator.
- Meanwhile, Konnan's explaining the origin of the
term hurricanrana
- Hurrican Rameriz, a famous masked wrestler
in the 1940's, originated the move.
- Hurrican Rameriz was not Scott Steiner.
- Therefore, Scott Steiner didn't originate
the Frankensteiner/'rana.
- Tenay's hesitant to go tell Scott that,
for some reason...
- Tag to Disco.
- Off the ropes, elbow drop misses. Tag out to Yang.
- Yang with the martial arts punches, whip,
reversed, Disco with a charging forearm.
- "Disco Sucks" Chant
- Rey covers Disco's ears
- Konnan claims it's a "Disco equals
good luck" chant
- Disco with a whip, head down too soon, kicked.
- Yang with a side kick that takes them both out.
- Rey baseball slides to the apron, and hits a
headscissors on Yang.
- Rey whips Yang into a Disco boot, but Kaz soon
follows with an Asai moonsault.
- Juvy follows with a springboard plancha.
- Jamie hits a tope con hilo (somersault flip) to
top it off.
- Konnan: "This is the type of action
that people want from the young guys.
This is the type of action we're giving
them. This is why WCW's #1."
- I was almost following him till the end.
- Konnan: (talking about the New Blood in
WCW) "You're not going find this
from the old guys, or the traveling wax
museum, as I like to call it."
- Good thing no one watches this show.
- Disco and Yang get thrown back in.
- Disco with an atomic drop.
- Disco with a corner whip, reversed, Yang with the
corner back flip kick.
- Disco stumbles out into the ring, Yang ducks out
of the way and Jamie hits a missile dropkick.
- Disco up again, and walks right into a slingshot
DDT from Kaz.
- Konnan: "Between that one and the
one Kronic did on [Disco], I'm surprised
he's still around."
- Kaz covers, despite not being the legal man, and
gets a 2 count till Juvy breaks it up.
- Jamie throws Juvy out of the ring.
- Yang with kicks and punches, whip, reversed by
Disco, and Yang's tripped to the mat by Rey from
the outside.
- Rey holds him so Juvy can hits a springboard
legdrop, cover, 2 count before Kaz breaks it up.
- Kaz with a spin kick on Disco, but gets taken
down by a springboard Thesz press by Rey.
- Jamie breaks that cover up by 2.
- Jamie with a whip, Rey with the Tiger Mask Fake
Out, and Juvy clobbers Jamie from behind,
knocking him out of the ring.
- Double whip on Kaz by Juvie and Rey, but he jumps
over the double clothesline.
- Yang steps in, and goes into a martial arts pose.
Juvy and Rey counter with their own...
- And get eyepoked.
- Yang whips Kaz at Rey, but Rey backdrops him out
of the ring, on to Jamie.
- Yang with a corner whip, but Juvie gets his boot
up (again.)
- Yang bounces right into Disco's, um:
- Konnan: "the Chartbuster!"
- Tenay: "the Last Dance!"
- Ace: "Ace Crusher!"
- Rey and Disco hold Yang's legs apart for the top
rope legdrop to the midsection from Rey.
- Rey covers as the other two hold of the Jung
- Your Winner: the Filthy Animals (5:56)
- The Artist (w/Paisley) vs Big Vito
- The Artist is dressing like Raven, still.
- Except, instead of a metal band T-Shirt,
the Artist is wearing an anime one.
- The Artist manages to rub his nose with his arm
exactly like Raven.
- And sit and sulk in the corner before the match
like Raven too.
- This has got to be some elaborate inside joke.
- I mean, when guy's gimmicks were to be ripoffs of
other people, no one else showed this much effort.
- The announcers talk about the Artist/Kiwi feud
- Tenay: "Did you ever expect Kiwi to
wrestle in the ring as he has?"
- Um, yea, 'cause he was just on this show
as Angry Alan Funk a month ago.
- I'm glad WCW thinks people are idiots.
- Makes me feel better when I think they're
idiots too.
- "Vito" chant
- The Artist with a one hand shove, then a slap to
the face. Then spit, and taunting.
- Vito responds with a punch to the nose.
- Whip by Vito, clothesline.
- Whip, hiptoss. Pickup, twisting powerslam
- Vito to the second rope, flying headbutt.
- Vito with open hands slaps in the corner, and
then some spit of his own.
- The Artist is selling this more like the
Artist then Raven, at any rate.
- Vito with open hand slaps in another corner,
corner whip, but Artist is out with a clothesline.

- Artist with a spinning headbutt to the lower
- The Artist clears his nose out on his bandanna,
and rubs it into Vito's face.
- Artist with punches, whip, but Vito tries a
sunset flip.
- The Artist flails his arms to regain his
balance, and ends up grabbing hold of
- Referee Mark Johnson's crotch.
- That was awkward.
- After a pause, Vito completes the rollup, but
only gets 2.
- Vito misses a clothesline, and the Artist hits a
back elbow.
- the Artist with...a Mr. Wrestling #1 kneelift?
- Not called be the announcers as such, but
- If Paisley hands him a steel chair to set
up in the middle of the ring, I'm outta
- Whip, side slam by the Artist. 2 count on a bad
- Artist with a snap mare, goes to the second rope,
and connects with a legdrop.
- Cover, 2 count.
- Artist with a whip, inverted atomic drop.
- Artist off the ropes, but he gets a hot shot (backdropped
on to the top rope.)
- Vito with a Mafia Kick, and pulls down his straps.
- Artist punch is blocked, Vito's isn't.
- Vito with another and a whip, backdrop.
- Vito with a vertical suplex, and goes to the top.
Flying elbow connects.
- Vito celebrates a bit, then covers, 2 count.
- The fans are way behind Vito.
- Artist with punches, and a jawbreaker.
- Artist with a corner whip, reversed, Artist with
a kip up...
- the shirt that the Artist had been
wearing tied around his waist had been
slipping for the last little bit
- and completely fell off then he tried the
kip up.
- He proceeds to almost trip on it.
- Vito charges, clothesline misses, Artist's kick
to the midsection and reverses into the implant
- That kick to the midsection? Exactly like
how Raven does it to set up the Evenflow
- Tony says Vito's finisher is called the
Canole drop.
- Your winner: Big Vito (4:40)