What is your favorite wrestler to interview?
Jerry, thanks a lot for the question. I started out doing interviews in sports entertainment many years ago. And back then, I enjoyed talking with Ric Flair, Wahoo McDaniel, Rowdy Roddy Piper and Dusty Rhodes. But the one man that I enjoyed talking with more than any - give him one subject and he can for hours on end - and that is the Living Legend Larry Zybszko.
(Tony cracks up laughing)
For me - I don't haven't (figuring out past tense
sucks) usually said all that much here, but I figure I ought to say
something. I'm just not sure I can do the serious "this is the
end" thing, so I'll do what I can.
You know, if you think about it, this whole decline of WCW deal can be linked to the decline of Worldwide in the summer of '98 - once they stopped taping in Orlando, the quality Nitro shows got worse and they did worse ratings. And once they stopped taping matches for Worldwide, only using scrap matches in November '00, the bottom fell out of the company and you knew it was just a matter of time before things completely fell apart.
So now you know.
I'd like to thank Bill for giving me this shot - and then not firing me all those times I was late or a horrible typist. And thanks to all the people who read and dropped me a line - it was to nice to know that there really was someone out there.
Despite the video packages, the sometimes really awful interviews, the random time and channel changes, the WCW MasterCard commercials (and every other one they'd play twice a week, every single week) and Lee Marshall, it's been fun doing this. It's gonna be weird not sitting down some weekend night (well, sometimes Tuesday night) and writing a report on the world's only D-Level show.
I don't think I needed to be insane to keep watching this show, but it probably helped.
Maybe they'll change my mind between now and then, but I think I'm gonna give the WWF's WCW a chance. If I was delusional enough to believe that the Russo, Sullivan, Russo/Bischoff and Russo II era of WCW stood a change of turning things around, the least I could do is give WWF a chance to make me want to turn the channel.